Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ACBL Unit 503
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 via Zoom
Directors Present
Liz Koh, Geraldine MacDonald, John Schwartz, Dan Thatte, and Stephanie Youngquist
Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting
Alan Templeton, Shankar Iyer
M/S/P = Moved/Seconded/Passed
Call to Order
Stephanie Youngquist, Vice President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting, called the meeting to order at 4:00PM and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having duly convened, was ready to proceed with business.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Stephanie Y. announced that the minutes of the April 12, 2023 Board Meeting were approved via email.
Finance Update
Marc C. sent out a detailed financial report prior to the meeting. May 1-7 Rainbow STaC week had the largest weekly table count since the Bridge Center reopened. Net Operating Income in April was positive.
Celebrity Lecture Series
Kathy W. continues to do an excellent job and has scheduled Michael Berkowitz on June 24th as the next guest lecturer.
Firecracker and Combined NLM Regional
Gerry M. updated status of the Firecracker. Things are going smoothly. Volunteers are needed. It was suggested that we personally reach out to volunteers. We are using SignUpGenius for both partnership and volunteer sign ups.
Rental of the PABC
John S. brought up a reminder that in renting the Bridge Center that the directors’ room nor supplies are part of the rental agreement. Discussed updating the lock on the door to the room and/or adding deposit to the rental.
Unit Social Events/Special Games
Shankar suggested that we have more social events to build community, possibly quarterly.
Stephanie suggested a birthday celebration for Ed Barlow’s 90th birthday in July (exact date depending on Ed’s availability. A budget of up to $200 was proposed for the party. M/S/P We will have another social in September. A budget of up to $250 plus reduced game fees of $6/player was proposed. M/S/P
Shankar suggested helping players who are close to becoming LM to earn the gold and/or silver points that they need. This could be possibly forming teams to play in the open or NLM sections at the Firecracker and or Santa Clara All Western. Shankar to follow up with possible practice swiss and NLM games on Wednesdays.
IFES Update
John S. gave an update that the IFES has completely new leadership and we have not had contact with them regarding our rental agreement, utilitlies, or rental of the IFES hall for the Firecracker. John S, David M., Alan T. and Marc C are following up.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20pm.
ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
May 10 at 4pm
To be held by video teleconference
for information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact