The search engine does not work well.  Your best bet to find information on their website is to go to the home page and follow links the best you can.

Board of Directors

Board of directors mail list for communications between board members.

Bridge Center Stationary


Important Dates – activities that should be performed at specific times during the year.

Kibitzer Archive – also includes Kudo’s Korner

Online Signups – Online signups for Unit Games and other special events.

Table Counts – calculated from game results posted to our website.

Work in Progress -business that the Board has not completed and new business that the Board has not yet addressed.

Test Link

Club Owners

ACBLScore Manual – accuracy is not clear given it is not available on the website.

Generate Reports and Data for our Website – generating the game results, hand records, Bridge Baron files and lessons for our Game Results webpage.

Register virtual game results.  Create links  to ACBL Live and BBO on our Game Results page.

Upload Reports and Data to our Website – uploading the game results, hand records, Bridge Baron files and lessons to our Game Results webpage.

Special Games at Clubs – special games for clubs and Units.

IFES Contact Information

Contact Information:

Hall Rentals


Website Updates

Procedures for website administrators to add, edit and delete pages and events: