Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ACBL Unit 503

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 via Zoom

Directors Present

David Merenbach, Marc Cervellino, Dianne Giancarlo, Liz Koh, John Schwartz, Dan Thatte, Stephanie Youngquist, Eli Wismer

Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting

Alan Templeton, Kathy Wheeler

M/S/P = Moved/Seconded/Passed

Call to Order

David Merenbach, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting, called the meeting to order at 4:00PM and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having duly convened, was ready to proceed with business.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Eli W. announced that the minutes of the January 11, 2022 Board Meeting were approved via email.

Grant Request to PBEF

Marc C. presented a proposal to request PBEF to fund Unit 503 expenses from January to December 2023 to increase F2F attendance, up to the amount of $10,000. M/S/P

Marc also proposed to request PBEF to provide an operational grant to fund April to December monthly operating losses ($dollar amount dependent upon PBEF reserve level requirements). M/S/P

Sectional Update

Marc C. presented an update on the two upcoming Sectionals to be held at PABC. 

San Mateo Unit Sectional 2/25-2/26/2023

PABC Unit Sectional 3/31-4/2/2023

Board Priorities 2023

David M. led a discussion on our priorities for 2023.  It was agreed that our #1 priority is to increase F2F attendance at PABC, and we then talked about plans and activities that would lead to that result. It was proposed to call a Special Board Meeting on February 22, 2023 to continue this discussion. M/S/P

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30PM.

ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
February 8 at 4pm
To be held by video teleconference
for information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact

  • Minutes January Meeting (Eli)
  • Sectional Update
  • 2023 Priorities (See Google doc)
  • New Business as identified