The following lectures have been given since the start of our free lecture series in September, 2008. We thank all of our lecturers for sharing their knowlege with us.  Videos expire after several months so you will probably not be able to access them.

There are also several hard-copy collections of all the lecture material available for checkout from the Bridge Center library.

Click on a column heading to sort by that column.

Bidding - CompetitiveAfter they double or overcall your partner's opening - I2012-05-15SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveAfter they double or overcall your partner's opening - II2012-06-12SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveBalancing2010-05-13SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveBalancing2014-03-25SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveBidding in the Balancing Seat2017-03-14HainesHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveBidding Over Opponent's Notrump2011-03-08LeukerHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveCompetitive Bidding (After they couble or overcall your partner's opening) - I2015-09-08SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveCompetitive Bidding (After they couble or overcall your partner's opening) - II2015-10-06SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveCompetitive Doubles2013-10-29SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveCompetitive Doubles2016-05-10SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveCue Bids2010-04-22BennettHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveCue Bids2016-09-27SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveCue Bids by Responder and Advancer2018-01-30BlakelyHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveCue Bids, continued2016-11-22SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveDefense Against Interference2009-11-19MayefskyHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveDONT (Disturbance Over No Trump)February 21Steele
Bidding - CompetitiveDouble, Redouble, Toil and Trouble2018-05-22MacGregorHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveDoubles2013-09-17SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveDoubles2016-04-12SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveGot-Stoppers Do Tell2012-05-01JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveInterference Bids - 1,2,3 Level2009-11-05MayefskyHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveLead Directing Doubles2015-01-13RosenbergHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveLosing Trick Count, A Method of Hand Evaluation.2022-12-16NgPresentation
Bidding - CompetitiveNegative Doubles2010-09-14SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitivePenalty Doubles2009-10-08SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitivePenalty Doubles2015-03-31SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitivePenalty Doubles Revisited2011-05-17SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveRaising Partner's Overcall2018-03-13SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveRedouble Trouble2009-05-21HarperHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveResponsive and Maximal Doubles2013-10-01SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveResponsive and Maximal Doubles2016-04-26SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveResponsive Doubles2018-03-27SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveThe Ingredients of Takout Doubles2009-04-09KarrHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveThe Law of Total Tricks2013-06-11WatsonHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveThe Law of Total Tricks2017-01-31SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveThe World of Bridge - Bennett, the Convention2011-09-20BennettHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveTwo level Balancing2012-04-03SmootHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveTwo Suits Are Better Than One: Michaels, Unusual NT and Other Two-Suited Hands2009-01-29MayefskyHandout
Bidding - CompetitiveWhat's Your Problem? Maybe bidding the opponent's suit will help2018-09-18GlynnHandout
Play on Bridge Baron
Bidding - CompetitiveWhen to Sacrifice2017-04-25SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - Constructive2-Way Drury2014-05-13SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - Constructive2-Way New Minor Forcing2020-10-20SamuelsSlides
Password: Oz0bKz%=
Bidding - ConstructiveBergen Raises2011-06-07WilliamsHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveBergen Raises2018-01-16SamuelsHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveBid Your Slam! Continued2009-09-24JohnstonHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveBid Your Slams!2009-09-10JohnstonHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveBidding after a Raise2021-10-19SmootHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveControl Bidding to More Slams2011-04-19WilliamsHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveControl Bids2019-05-07SamuelsHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveDealing with 5NT2017-09-19SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveDrury2011-01-18SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveFinding NT Contracts I - 5 clubs making and I got a low2011-10-04JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveFinding NT Contracts II - Got stoppers? Do tell.2012-05-01JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File 2
Bidding - ConstructiveHelp Suit Game Try2018-11-13BlakelyHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveInverted Minors2010-09-28SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveInverted Minors2014-11-04SmootSlides
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveInverted Minors2017-10-03SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - CompetitiveLebensohl2021-09-21ZuckerbergSlides
Bidding - ConstructiveNew Minor Forcing2008-09-25Greenberg
Bidding - ConstructiveNew Minor Forcing2020-10-06SamuelsSlides
Password: 2F.G%22%
Bidding - ConstructiveOne NoTrump Forcing2016-03-15SmootHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveOpening Notrump Bids Revisited - All Seats and Vulnerability2009-03-26LeukerHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveOpening Suit Bids Revisited - All Seats and Vulnerability2009-03-12LeukerHandout
Bidding - ConstructivePick-a-Slam and Other Uses for the 5NT Card2012-09-18SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructivePreempts - 2 Level (Weak Two)2010-03-11SmootHandout
Bidding - ConstructivePreempts - 3/4 Level2010-03-25SmootHandout
Bidding - ConstructivePreempts - A Guide To Stick Your Neck Out2009-01-15MayefskyHandout
Bidding - ConstructivePreempts - Continued2009-01-22MayefskyHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveRebids by Responder2014-10-21KarrSlides
Bidding - CompetitiveReliable Takeout Doubles2021-03-23HoffmanHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveResponding to a 2NT Opener with Major Suit Holdings2010-11-09BennettHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveResponding to Partners Weak 2 Preempt2020-07-21Silvia ShiSlides
Video Password: hr=8b.$M
Bidding - ConstructiveReverses2009-12-10BennettHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveSlam Bidding after 1 of a Major2014-01-14MandalaHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveSlam Tries After Partner Opens 2NT2016-10-11SamuelsHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveSplinter Bids2018-04-17BlakelyHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveSplinters2010-02-18SpaethHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveSplinters2014-10-07SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveSplinters: Enjoy Them2012-09-25SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveThe Captain Priciple: Who's in Charge Here2012-10-09RothschildHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveThere are Preempts.. and Then There are Preempts2018-05-08GlynneHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveThird Hand Opening Bids and the Drury Convention2008-12-11SpaethHandout
Bidding - ConstructiveTips and Tricks for Slams2019-05-21Youngquist
Bidding - ConstructiveUse 5NT Effectively2015-05-12SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - ConstructiveXYZ Convention2014-02-11WilliamsHandout
Bidding - GeneralForcing Bids2014-02-25SiegelHandout
Bidding - GeneralHand Evaluation2013-11-12StansbyHandout
Bidding - GeneralHow To Select and Adopt New Conventions2010-05-27BernsteinHandout
Bidding - GeneralLosing Trick Count2013-04-30WiliiamsHandout
Bidding - GeneralLosing Trick Count2015-04-28LeukerHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - GeneralLosing Trick Count2017-02-28WilliamsHandout
Bridge Baron File
Bidding - GeneralLosing Trick Count - What Is It? How Does It Work?2009-05-07LeukerHandout
Bidding - GeneralPartnership Checklist2011-02-01SimpsonHandout
Declarer PlauyFinesses2019-04-09BlakelyHandout
Declarer PlayBeing a Detective in San Francisco2019-09-24SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayCard Combinations2008-11-06BernstienHandout
Declarer PlayCard Combinations2020-06-02KarrSlides
Declarer PlayCard Combinations -Continued2008-11-20BernsteinHandout
Declarer PlayCombining Chances To Play2011-04-05SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayCounting as Declarer2020-02-11YoungquistHandout
Declarer PlayCounting The Hand: Distribution2008-10-23LeukerHandout
Declarer PlayCounting The Hand: High Card Points2008-10-16LeukerHandout
Declarer PlayCounting Your Tricks2010-10-26LeukerHandout
Declarer PlayDeclaring Difficult NoTrump Hands2021-01-19ZuckerbergVideo
Passcode: edz-3nt!
Declarer PlayEnd Plays2010-12-07JohnstonHandout
Declarer PlayEnd Plays2014-12-02LeukerHandout
Declarer PlayEndplays2023-04-04Davis
Declarer PlayExtra Precautions During Play of the Hand2019-11-19SchmickrathSlides
Declarer PlayFitting Honors2020-06-16WilsonHandout
Video Password: 0u%$&@?=
Declarer PlayGet the Children Off the Street2013-05-21JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayHow To Play the Odds as Declarer2011-02-22KarrHandout
Declarer PlayHow to Play the Odds as Declarer2020-01-14KarrHandout
Declarer PlayHow To Play the Suit the Opponents Lead2012-05-29KarrHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayImportance of Entries to Dummy2016-10-25DewellHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayManaging Trump as Declarer2020-05-12YoungquistHandout
Video Password: 9E*6&mTx
Declarer PlayMatchpoint Declarer Ply2010-01-14SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayOn Your Mark - Get Set - Stop! Adventures at Trick One2011-03-22JohnstonHandout
Declarer PlayPrinciples of Declarer Play2010-10-12BarlowHandout
Declarer PlaySimple Squeezes2022-11-16MartelliHandout
Declarer PlaySuit Establishment: Trump your way to more tricks2013-03-05RosenbergHandout
Bridge Baron File
Declarer PlayTopics in Declarer & Defender Play2013-04-02LeukerHandout
Declarer PlayWhen to Postpone Drawing Trump2016-09-13BlakelyHandout
Declarer Play
DefenseABC's of Defensive Signals2013-10-15JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseActive vs Passive Defense2017-05-16SamuelsHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseActive vs. Passive Defense2020-08-25YoungquistVideo
Password: ?*ex2cis
DefenseDefender Cooperation2016-12-06BunniHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseDefender Play2009-10-22LeukerHandout
DefenseDefensive Carding2019-03-26LuttrellHandout
DefenseDefensive Ruffing and Overruffing2011-05-03LeukerHandout
DefenseDon't Hesitate as the Defender2019-04-23SmootHandout
Play on Bridge Baron
DefenseExpert Defense2014-04-08StansbyHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseIt's your lead.2012-04-17LuekerHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseLeads against NT and Suit Contracts2008-09-11JoelHandout
DefenseOpening Leads2010-01-28JohnstonHandout
DefenseSecond Hand High2016-03-01JohnstonSlides
Bridge Baron File
DefenseSignals: Attitude & Count2017-01-17BlakelyHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseSignals: Suit Preference2017-02-14BlakeleyHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseSlippery Defensive Holdings: Mid-hand decisions2012-10-23SmootHandout
DefenseSlippery Defensive Holdings: Mid-Hand Decisions2016-01-19SmootHandout
DefenseSlippery Defensive Holdings: Mid-Hand Decisions - cont'd2016-02-16SmootHandout
DefenseSlippery Defensive Holdings: Mid-hand decisions, continued.2012-11-06Smoot
DefenseStrategy and Tactics - The End Game2013-02-12JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseStrategy and Tactics - The Opening Gambit2013-01-22JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
DefenseThe ABCs of Defensive Signals2009-02-05JohnstonHandout
DefenseThe Art of the Discard2009-06-04JohnstonHandout
DefenseTo Cover or Not to Cover2014-03-11RosenbergHandout
DefenseTopics in Declarer & Defender Play II2013-04-16LeukerHandout
DefenseUseful But Often Neglected Lead Treatments2018-10-02LuttrellHandout
DefenseUsing the Bidding in the Play2021-04-20YoungquistHandout
Passcode: pabc-sarah4
DefenseUsing the Bidding on Defense2021-08-17YoungquistHandout
DefenseUsing Dummy on Defense2020-09-15ComptonHandout
DefenseYour Partners Opening Lead2014-11-18JohnstonSlides
Bridge Baron File
GeneralArt of the Discard2014-05-27JohnstonHandout
GeneralColin's Collection2021-06-15PorchVideo
Passcode: ^%diA7gX
GeneralCommon Bridge Guidelines ...and When to Ignore Them2021-07-20BarrereHandout
GeneralCompleting the New Convention Card2023-1-10RavenscroftPresentation
GeneralDeveloping Winning Habits2017-12-12NgHandout
GeneralDirector Calls - don't be deer in the headlights2019-01-29MacDonaldHandout
GeneralDirector Please!2016-05-24JohnstonHandout
GeneralDo The Right Thing2016-01-02RosenbergHandout
GeneralFour Hands2023-05-18YokelHandout
GeneralFour Hands2023-10-31YokelHandout
GeneralHalloween at Palo Alto2022-10-31YokelHandout
GeneralHow to Improve Your Bridge Game at Any Level: Introducing Tricks and Tools for Learning2014-09-23JoelSlides
GeneralI Know I Should Be Thinking - But What Should I Be Thinking About?2015-03-17JohnstonHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralImprove Your Game2010-04-08JoelHandout
GeneralImprove Your Game Using BBO and Pianola2020-01-28Martelli and RavenscroftHandout
GeneralLearn From My Mistakes2019-11-05SchiresonSlides
GeneralLearn How to Improve Your Bridge Game2019-03-12JoelLecture Slides
GeneralLessons from Monterey2019-01-08SmootHandout
Play on Bridge Baron
GeneralMatchpoint Declarer Play2015-02-24SmootHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralNABC Scheduling Strategy
2019-10-22MacDonald and SpaethSlides
GeneralNew Alert Rules2022-11-15Watson
GeneralPairs vs. Team Games: Differences in Bidding and Play2012-12-11KarrHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralPairs vs. Team Games: Differences in Bidding and Play2016-03-29KarrHandout
GeneralRosie's Rules2021-02-23BodenHandout
GeneralRules of CompetitionJune 20LuttrellHandout
GeneralSix Hands2014-01-28YokelHandout
GeneralSix Hands2014-04-22YokelHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSix Hands2015-01-27YokelHandout
GeneralSix Hands2015-11-17YokelHandout
GeneralSix Hands2016-02-02YokelHandout
GeneralSix Hands2017-11-14YokelHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSix Hands2018-02-27YokelHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSix Hands2019-02-12YokelHandout
GeneralSix Hands2020-02-25Yokel
GeneralSix Hands2020-07-07YokelHandout
Video Password: 6Q$=^==5
GeneralSix Hands, Eight Lessons2013-03-19YokelHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSix Hands: Play and Discussion2016-11-8YokelHandout
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSix Hands: Play and Discussion
(Different than November 8)
Bridge Baron File
GeneralSwiss Teams2023-06-27Cervellino, Saunders & WatsonPresentation
GeneralSwiss Team Strategy2023-08-18CervellinoPresentation
GeneralTable Rules, Etiquette and Director Calls2017-10-31Mac Gregor
& Yuenger
GeneralTable Rules, Etiquette and Director Calls - Continued2018-02-13YuengerHandout
GeneralTeam Game Strategy2018-10-30SmootHandout
Play on Bridge Baron
GeneralUnderstanding the Matchpoint Game2021-05-18NgHandout
Example Hands
Passcode: mp-strat-05