The Play’s The Thing (Tuesday Evenings)

July 6, 2018

Debbie Rosenberg (408) 320-4473 Send Email This Advanced - Intermediate/Advanced level course is intended for experienced duplicate players, who have already taken at least one of Debbie’s advanced-intermediate courses. It is ideal [...]

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The Play’s The Thing

March 29, 2018

This Advanced – Intermediate/Advanced level course is intended for experienced duplicate players, who have already taken at least one of Debbie’s advanced-intermediate courses. It is ideal for those who have attended both Play Like a Pro and Defend Like a Pro. There will be no single focus, so you’ll need to be on your toes – just as when you play competitively.

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Play Like A Pro

March 29, 2018

This Intermediate/Advanced -Advanced level course covers the areas of defense where Debbie believes competitive players can make the biggest improvement in their results. While no pro gets every problem right, there are many problems that every pro would get right. Start nailing those, and stop making declarer’s life easy.

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