Summer Fun Happening Now!
SiVY Camp and Youth NABC Sponsorships Underway
If you’re at the Bridge Center in Mountain View on a weekday the rest of this month, you’ll notice the age group of people in the area skewing a bit younger! That’s because the SiVY Bridge second annual Summer Camp is underway now.
This year’s camp was expanded to two weeks and 4+ hours per day, attracting 44 campers to sign up for one or both weeks. Campers have been divided based on prior bridge experience, with bridge education and play tailored to their skill level. A large group of dedicated volunteers are teaching, providing administrative support, acting as table helpers, and just making sure everyone has a good time.
Coming up in early August, 14 young players will be attending the Youth North American Bridge Championships (NABC) in Chicago, sponsored by SiVY. The SiVY Sponsorship program has provided both financial and educational support to prepare these kids for competition. Several special classes have been provided teaching etiquette, strategy, and partnership skills – among other topics.
Stay tuned to our Facebook Page or Website to read more about the summer camp, Youth NABC - and see plenty of pictures.