After School Clubs
Fall, 2015 Programs and Teachers Wanted!
One of the original offerings and a cornerstone of the SiVY Bridge Program has been the after school lessons and clubs. These programs provide kids from 4th to 12th grade with a free and fun place to learn and play bridge at their school. In its first year, SiVY Bridge taught 11 after school programs, exposing more than 200 children to bridge, with almost 100 completing the course. In the second year our nine programs were met with equal enthusiasm.
Many of the 2014-15 after school clubs will be continuing for the 2015-2016 school year, however we have room for a few more. If you would like SiVY to conduct an after school program at your child’s school, please get in touch! If you know another school which would like to offer bridge, please let us know! If you would like to teach or help with one of our ongoing programs, please tell us!
In the words of Fisher Middle School head teacher Leila Sink, “It feels great to be part of a program that provides kids with a social outlet as well as a chance to learn some bridge. Of course we also hope some will continue to learn and play their entire life.”
Several of Leila’s most dedicated participants are those who appreciate both the social elements and competitive aspects of bridge. Esperanza, Kyra, and Anna have all been members of the Fisher Club for two years. They frequently attend SiVY events together, where each of them has earned masterpoints even though playing “mostly for fun”. The girls have also attended the first week of this year’s summer camp, enjoying both the camaraderie and the chance to improve their bridge play.
“Most of our after school kids seem to be involved for fun, but some have taken more of an interest, become ACBL members, and signed up for events and summer camp,” said Jordan Middle School teacher Sue Griswold. “We had a couple of our first year kids, after graduating and moving on to high school, participate in the High School Championships. It’s rewarding to teach all of the kids, whether their interest is casual or more serious.”