Bridge Center games request pre-registration.  You are also encouraged to pre-register for weekend Unit Games.

Game results, hand records and game files suitable for replay on Bridge Baron software are provided on our Game Results page.   Same results are also available on the Pianola and The Common Game web sites.

Please see our Events Calendar for special games and tournaments as well as information on club closures due to holidays and tournaments.

Check out our Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening games for players with limited master points.  *NEW* And our new 49’er game Thursday mornings starting January 16.

Starting January 2025
The Tuesday morning Alpine game will no longer serve a full lunch.  Snacks will be available.
The Friday morning TGIF game will start at 10:45am.

Game Schedule

Open games will add limited sections as she permits.

DayClubBridge Center
24 boards except as noted
18 boards
Bridge Center Information
Online Game Information
SundayNoon OpenWatson
(408) 614-8881
MondayMonday Morning BC11:30am Open
Snacks. No light lunch
(650) 353-1461

(408) 614-8881

TuesdayAlpine BC10:45am Open
No full lunch starting January 1.
(650) 464-3969

(408) 614-8881
EZ Bridge10:45am
An experienced player available for bidding help.
No full lunch starting January 1.
Contact Prue Saunders for info or partners.
(650) 464-3969
WednesdayBridge ‘n Brunch10:30am OpenWatson
(408) 614-8881
The 49'er Game6:45pm 0-50Davis
(650) 888-3403

Doubleton Club7pm Open7pm OpenDavis
(650) 888-3403


ThursdayThursday Bridge11:30am Open, 49'er
Snacks. No light lunch
(650) 353-1461

(408) 614-8881
FridayTGIF AM Bridge10:45am OpenDavis
(650) 888-3403

(650) 279-0005
Saturday1pm Open
On select Saturdays
See Signup Page for dates
(650) 888-3403


We are currently serving snacks and light lunches at no cost to players.


Proof of vaccination and masks are not required.  Some players wear masks, and some don’t.  However, if a player at a table requests that a mask be worn all players at that table will be asked to comply.

Our Games

Most of our games are open to the public.  ACBL membership is encouraged but not required.  Games utilize pre-dealt hands and provide hand records with computer analysis.

Most clubs offer half price for students 25 and under.

To ensure a social climate that promotes enjoyable bridge, our games enforce a policy of Zero Tolerance for unpleasant or rude behavior.  If you experience problem behavior during one of our club games call the director immediately.