SCAM Alert!

Please be alert for scammers asking you for money.  We will never email you asking you to purchase something or send money to us.



New. List of Bridge Events

We’ve added a list of upcoming events which you can download for easy reference.

Select the Events Menu and then List of Bridge Events.

Purchase a Custom Name Badge

You can now order a custom name badge with our new logo for only $14.

Order Form

Declare and Defend Class starts March 13

Learn to devise a good plan as declarer and become a formidable defender.  Taught by our very popular Frank Smoot.

Information and Signup


Limited Masterpoint Games

EZ Bridge Tuesdays at 10:45am

An experienced player is available for bidding help.  The game includes coffee, tea and snacks.  A mini-lesson prior to the game 10:30-10:45am


The 49’er Game Wednesdays at 6:45pm

Wednesday night’s intermediate/newcomer section at the Doubleton Club has a new name – The 49’er Game.


49’er game on Thursdays at 11:30am

An experienced player is available for bidding help.  The game includes coffee, tea and snacks


Beginning Bridge and Playing for Keeps classes started in February.  

Kathy Harper also offers Supervised Play with a 10-minute lesson followed by practice play with lots of help.

Information and signup

Become a Master at Doubling with Adam Parrish.  Saturday, March 1

Attend our next Celebrity Bridge Seminar.

Information & Registration

NEW Purchase past Celebrity Bridge Seminars

We have offered online seminars by outstanding educators since 2022.  If you weren’t familiar with this program check out what we have planned for 2025.  You can now also purchase past lectures for viewing.

Celebrity Bridge Seminars

Unit Facebook Group

Our Facebook group is another way to keep in touch.

Unit Facebook Group

Use the Unit > News menu for news from our Unit including our president’s monthly newsletter.

You can read our monthly article in District 21’s newsletter Diamond in the Ruff.

Learn all about the free Pianola service and why you should join.
