Pianola is a set of smart tools for club owners and players that make it easy for club owners to communicate with their players, provide analysis that can help players improve, and provide services to everyone in the Unit such as a secure online directory and a messaging facility.

Players can control how much information they share and how much communication they want from the Unit.

Pianola Website

Why are we using it?

We are using Pianola for a number of reasons.

  • It provides email tools that are easy for club owners and the unit to use. These tools replace the tools we previously used to send email to members to notify them of special events and news.
  • It provides tools for players such as a personal results history, a partner finder, access to the membership directory, and analysis by partner and by role.
  • It provides a secure online directory that protects players security and privacy.
  • Players have control over their information. They can update their email address and phone number when there are changes, and they can control how much of their information to share.
  • The online directory replaces the printed version which was a significant effort and cost to produce.

Do you want to be able to look up player contact information?

Do you want a convenient way to make partnership requests?

Do you want to keep receiving emails from the Unit?

If you said yes to any of these you need to sign up for a free Pianola account.

Sign up for Pianola (Free)

To sign up, follow these steps:

Set your Privacy Preferences

Once you have created your user name and password, go to www.pianola.net to set your privacy preferences:

  • Click on Log In
  • Enter your User Name and Password, then click Login to Pianola.
  • Once you are logged in, click the box in the top right corner that has your name in it. You will see a drop-down menu. Click on My account and then the Privacy tab.
  • The default setting is complete privacy. If you want the Unit or other players in our Directory to be able to contact you, you will need to share your email and/or phone contact information. Click on the box in front of each privacy item to enable (checkmark) or disable (empty square) sharing with other members.
  • Finally, click on Save Changes.

Note: Future Unit emails will come from the Pianola Directory, based on the privacy settings you choose.

Is it free?

All of the basic features are free. There is an optional program that does in-depth hand analysis including the ability to replay each hand. The optional program is $10 per month with a free 30-day trial.

Why do I have to sign up to use it?

Your privacy and security are protected by requiring members to log in to view the directory. You need to sign up to create an account and password.

What happens if I don’t sign up?

If you don’t sign up you will not have access to our membership directory. You will also not enjoy the many features of pianola such as a personal results history, a partner finder, and analysis by partner and by role. You will receive informational emails from the Unit unless you specifically opt out.

Will game results still be posted on the Unit Website?

The game results will still be posted on the Unit Website until everyone in the Unit is using Pianola. At that time we’ll make a determination whether to continue posting them on the website.

I’m getting messages from Pianola after I play. Am I signed up?

If you have received an invitation to join Pianola and you have created your password you are signed up. If you have not created a password for your account you are not yet signed up.

How do I control the amount of information I share?

See the instructions, above.

Can I ask partners if they are available for a game?

Yes. First set up your partner list:

  1. Go to www.pianola.net and click the Log in box in the top right corner.
  2. Enter your user name and password and click Login to Pianola
  3. Click the Partner Finder tab then click the Preferences tab. You can then select which people you would like to play with.

Once your partner list is set up, you can create an advertisement for a specific game by logging into Pianola then clicking the Partner Findertab, then the Adverts tab. When you advertise for a partner your request will only go to people on your list. Similarly, only people who are on your list are allowed to send you a partner request.

How do I contact support?

To join, contact Jody Williams (jody@hamilton.com). For all other questions contact Jody Williams (jody@hamilton.com) or Lori Spaeth (lespaeth@gmail.com).