
To edit an even you will log into the WordPress ‘Dashboard’ for our site and then:

  • Go to the event on the website
  • Select the Edit Event link at the top of the event
  • Edit the information as desired
  • Preview the event
  • Edit and update the event

Log onto WordPress

  • Go to paloaltobridge.org/wp-admin
  • Enter your username and password
  • You will now be taken to the ‘Dashboard’ – the main page for editing our site.

Select the Event

There are two ways to do this:

  • (easiest) Go to the website, select the event in the Event Calendar and then select Edit Event iabove the page.  (Note, you must be logged into WordPress to do this).


  • Go to the event directly from the WordPress Dashboard.  Select Events  from the menu at the top left of the dashboard.
  • Use the Search Events field on the right to find your event.  The list of events can ge huge because each occurrence of an event, like a club game or class, is listed as a separate event.

Edit the Event Information

  • Edit the title using the Custom Title Creation area below and to the right of where you added the event.
  • Edit the appropriate calendar in Event Categories if that needs changing.







  • Scroll the page down to area first large text area.  Edit the description of the event using text and/or images.
  • Edit the Time & Date of the event.
  • Edit the Venue (location) of the event.  There are pre-sets for our game locations but not for other locations such as tournaments.  If your event is at another location leave this blank.




  • Scroll the page down to the Excerpt field and edit the text you want to display when someone hovers their mouse over the event on our Event Calendar.
  • You can also edit other information such as the website and the cost of the event.

Preview the Event

Go back to the upper-right area of the page and select the Preview button.  Wordpress is finicky and you may have to select it twice.  This will display the page in a new tab as it will look on our website.

After reviewing the event and the text that is displayed when your mouse hovers over the event in the calendar delete the tab to return to the edit page.

Note:  If your browser did not create a new tab, use the browser Back button to return to the event dialog.

Edit and Update the Event

Make any corrections to the event and, when through.  When done select the blue Update button.  Again, you may have to select it a twice.

Go to the Event Calendar page and verify that the hover text and event description are what you want.  If not, use your browser Back button to return to the event and re-edit and publish it using the blue Update button