Alan Templeton

Alan Templeton

As the Coronavirus seems to be striking closer to home, the board and club owners have had several discussions as to what the club will do with regard to Coronavirus. 
We are all seriously concerned but as of writing this posting we are not closing or cancelling any games.
Here are the near term steps the club is  taking:
  • Game directors are making serious announcements about frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer at the beginning of each game. We are asking people as always to stay home if they are sick.
  • Our cleaning company is now wiping  down tables and chair backs, door knobs and handles with antiseptic cleaner when they clean at night.
  • In the event that we have to close, Will Watson has suggested to me that we may be able to use BBO online to create some pseudo games for our club.
We will of course follow all county guidelines and close if it becomes necessary.
The board and game owners are continuing to discuss this because as you know this is an evolving issues.
Gerry MacDonald Unit President

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