Table Counts By Month for 2024

unitinfoUntitled Document
Bridge Center Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Palo Alto Duplicate62424.52215.5000000092
Palo Alto Duplicate1222192418361100000142
Bridge 'n Brunch0000400000004
Doubleton Club575051536648000000325
Thursday Bridge6.51415156.5900000066
Thursday Bridge1321.5716.51940000000117
TGIF AM Bridge375049.5414949000000275.5
Shoreline DBC0004000000004
Other Locations
Vi DBC15131416141340000089
Vi DBC141522171622000000106
SiVY Bridge (Sun. A)003001500000018
SiVY Bridge (Sat. A)0300000000003
All Locations257312309.5338306.533731000001891

Table counts are calculated from the game results uploaded to our website and may be in error due to incomplete, erroneous or improperly formatted results. This page is slow loading due to the large number of calculations required.

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