Table Counts for December 2024

unitinfoUntitled Document
Bridge Center Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Total Ave. YTD Total YTD Ave. YTD Max.
Palo Alto Duplicate4.500004.54.5177816
Palo Alto Duplicate010700178.52679.931
Bridge 'n Brunch0000000444
Doubleton Club81131005016.758412.431
Thursday Bridge6.500006.56.51497.820.5
Thursday Bridge07.58.5001682138.525
TGIF AM Bridge91012003110.350712.118
Shoreline DBC006006642.54.712.5
Unit Game (Sun. A)0041004141414141
Total 41.5 58.5 120.5 0 0 220.52739
Other Locations
Vi DBC44300113.71663.44
Vi DBC3600094.5208.54.36
SiVY Bridge (Sun. A)0000000214.25
SiVY Bridge (Sat. A)0800088307.514
Total 13 28.5 12.5 0 0 54898
All Locations274.53637

Table counts are calculated from the game results uploaded to our website and may be in error due to incomplete, erroneous or improperly formatted results. This page is slow loading for months near the end of the year due to the large number of calculations required.

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