Want to improve your bridge game by playing in a relaxed atmosphere and partnering with an experienced player?

Then sign up to play our Pro-Am Game!

Our next game will be on Thursday, June 19.

What is the Pro-Am game? It is a F2F bridge game where a newer player partners with an experienced player in a pairs game, competing against other pairs of one newer and one experienced player. After the game, the experienced player will review bidding, declarer play, defense, and opening leads of select hands.

The goal of the game is to have a fun time, with both players taking part in a post-game debriefing session, which should be a valuable learning experience for the newer player.

The plan is to hold several Pro-Am games throughout 2025.

Join us at 1:00pm, Saturday, February 1, for our first Pro-Am game! Newer players will be partnered with experienced players. Arrive at 12:30pm to fill out a convention card.  This is a special game, and there will be a drawing, with winners receiving free play at a club game.

Any questions, please contact H. Paul Davis, pauldav@gmail.com, or text 408 582 4954

Advance registration required.