Here is some miscellaneous information about duplicate bridge, our unit, our Bridge Center and more.
Here is some miscellaneous information about duplicate bridge, our unit, our Bridge Center and more.
Here are some etiquette and other duplicate bridge tips. Most of all, remember that being competitive does not preclude being friendly.
One of our goals is to create a cordial and enjoyable environment for playing bridge. This is especially important when playing against less experienced players. Please take the time to read these bridge etiquette guidelines.
Most bridge players value a reliable, happy partner above anything else. It’s important to the success of your partnership that you work together as a team. Here are a few tips on partner etiquette.
Do you want to know what a ‘Barometer’ or ‘Swiss’ game is? Do you wonder what that ‘Stratiflighted’ event is? Here’s a description of the various types of bridge games.
Why are we Unit 503? Basically, it’s an organizational thing based on geography.
Several of our members have generated score sheets that
provide areas to record more information, such as the
auction and opening lead:
Caution – record the bidding and lead after the bidding is
over so you don’t take time away from focusing on the
Save Paper – Print double-sided
Comments, questions, suggestions: 650-619-6664
Club owners report earned Masterpoints on a monthly basis at the end of each month. They are required to submit these by the 10th of the next month in order to avoid late fees.
The ACBL posts reported Masterpoints on the 6th of each month to meet the ACBL Bulletin printing schedule. Masterpoints reported after the 6th of the month are not posted until the 6th of the next month.
Unfortunately, this means points earned early in a month may not be posted until two full months later (one month before the club owners report them and another month before the ACBL posts them).
So, if your Masterpoints aren’t posted right away it probably
isn’t the fault of the club owner. Be patient and they should
appear in another month.
Note: Tournament and STAC points are handled independently and are usually posted much quicker.
Bridge Baron is a computer program that allows users to play both random hands and prepared hands (version 18 or newer) against the computer. Many of our games provide Bridge Baron compatible files of the hands played at each game. Frank Smoot’s classes and many of our free lectures also provide Bridge Baron compatible files which contain bidding and playing exercises.
Recently a number of players have asked about the finances
and management of the Bridge Center. Here is an
During a game you get an explanation of a bid that turns out not to match the hand for which the bid was made. Was the bid wrong or was the explanation of the bid wrong? Here’s an explanation of a mistaken bid vs. mistaken information.
South: Alert!
East: Yes?
South: I’m requested to further misdescribe my hand.
Here’s a quiz from the Encyclopedia of Bridge on How to Play Suit Combinations. Take it as a test or use to learn some some good techniques.
Here are some tips to help advancing players improve their game.