The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by Susan Griswold, President. Present were Board members Susan Griswold, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Allen Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Sue Barkley, Henryk Szejnwald, and Keith Burnett. Also attending: Marian Kelly (Kibitzer), Club Owner John Schwartz, and Alan Templeton.
The minutes of the August Board meeting were approved (Allen).
The Kibitzer report given by Marian stated that there would be a six page issue for October.
Keith announced that there would be two Unit Games in October; the October 14 Unit Game will be in honor of Helga Solleder, sponsored by her family and friends, and a Mentor-Mentee Game as well as a regular Unit Game on October 21.
Treasurer’s report showed $105,000 in the Unit and Bridge Center accounts and $5439 in the Education Fund.
Allen W. gave a report of the D21 Board Meeting.
Sue G. announced that a draft of the license agreement has been sent to the Club Owners.
Alan Templeton gave an update on the possible AV purchase. A consultant has been engaged to pursue the purchase and installation of this equipment. Allen W. made a motion which was seconded and passed to allow the expenditure of no greater than $15,000 to purchase this equipment. $10,000 will come from the Educational Fund and $5000 from the Unit fund.
Discussion of an assistant for the Website resulted in a decision that it is not necessary. This led to a discussion of an all-encompassing calendar that would include game schedules, lesson schedules, special events, dates that the Bridge Center is unavailable because of I.F.E.S. events and events at the nursery school next door. A solicitation will be made in the Kibitzer for someone to take charge of this. The position will be a Committee Chair.
The statement on the front of the Membership and Friends directory concerning commercial use of the directory will be published in the Kibitzer. Violation of these rules will result in discipline.
The Bridge Center Rental Policy was discussed with no decision reached. The committee will report at the next meeting.
Chris Bunz has agreed to design a sign for the Bridge Center at no cost to the Unit. The Unit will pursue the construction of the sign.
The October Kibitzer will include biographies of the people who have expressed an interest in running for the Board. As of this time the following have indicated that they would like to be candidates for the Board: Valerie Baldwin, Lee Haze, Bob Horowitz, Ida Lee, Todd Makler, Hansa Narasimhan, Brian Samuels, James Stuart-Smith, and Jody Williams. These names, in addition to others that may be presented by the September 15 deadline, will be considered by the nominating committee for a recommended slate of candidates for the Board, as mandated by the Bylaws.
Allen W. suggested that we also ask the candidates to state what their reasons are for wanting to be on the Board.
Alan T. suggested we invite some members of the I.F.E.S. Board to an appreciation event, possibly on the first anniversary of our move-in.
Nominations for the District Goodwill award will be discussed at the next meeting.
Only Unit members will be allowed to play in the Holiday Party game in December.
The next meeting will be at 3:45 October 2, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary