Board Minutes, September 6, 2011
New Building Duane reported that the contractors got the drawings this morning and construction began today. He estimates they will work 4 10 hour days a week and is confident we will be in the building in 8 weeks. Alan T. has talked to IFES about using their main building until our building is ready. Mike said that Twisters will allow us to stay through September. Alan Fusilero will only give us a week to week tenancy for October. The CUP will come up at the new location when the final sound testing is done. The city will look into the parking situation during overlap events. Duane said everything else is going well. He will try to keep things going Friday and Saturday if it will help to pick up time.
The August board minutes were approved.
Kibitzer Eleanor reported that the next issue will be 6 pages and that the sportsmanship trophy issue will be postponed until after the election.
Unit Games We still need a director for the 199er Swiss Teams. Margot Livensparger will do some games as a backup.
Treasurer The balance sheet for the Unit/Bridge Center shows $144,860 and the balance sheet for the Education Fund shows $9028 for the month of August.
Bridge Center Manager Update John will be sending out the change of address forms to the game owners in early October.
Donations Sue said they are slow in coming. We have received $1729 to date. She will draft a letter to possible big donors and send thank you notes. Lori said there has been pushback from the wants and needs list. John suggested that Lori clarify in the Kibitzer that in some cases we only need supplemental items and present the concept that we are looking at our 20 year needs at the new location.
Visit by ACBL President Craig Robinson will be playing at the September 12 game and will arrive 1 hour before the game. The Unit is supplementing the lunch budget and Roy will take pictures. Board members are asked to arrive approximately 1 hour early. Alan C was asked to talk about the lecture series. Val will talk about the mentor/mentee program. The ACBL President may speak 15 minutes during lunch.
ACBL Goodwill Member of the Year We have until October 14 to submit a nomination. The candidate should have continuously exhibited good conduct, ethical behavior and have made contributions above and beyond the call of duty.
San Jose-Palo Alto Challenge San Jose raised the possibility to Bev of a challenge and that it could be a fundraiser.
Val said we agreed to pay $300 for the top name lecture series with CD backup. The series can happen Saturday morning when Val is not running lessons. She commented that bridge pads that scored the match and told players at the Swiss game where to go took some of the fun out of the game. She suggested not rushing the game and will consult with Will regarding the practicality of allowing time for comparing scores. Lori has 50 signed up for the intermediate class.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Barkley, Secretary