ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, September 7th, 2010

Present were Mike Atherton, Elinor Tanck, Phyllis Gaffney, John Mattis, Steve Barasch, Lu Issacs, Sue Griswold, David Wheeler and Betsy Steele. Also present were Alan Cummings and Valerie Baldwin.

Barbara and Larry Sonsini were mentioned as deserving our gratitude for their generosity and continued support of the Bridge Center. It was suggested we might present them with a commemorative plaque. Further appreciation should be shown to the lawyer who is representing the Bridge Center in their flooding problem. Mike and Betsy will gather material for the Kibitzer.

Bridge Center Rehab Update – Last week’s testing took place on schedule. Traces of mold were found and have to be remediated. Further meeting of all parties was suggested and will take place in the near future. The use of the Lutheran Church is still available to us during the time the Center is closed for repairs.

The Constitutional Amendment to consolidate Unit and Bridge Center accounts was passed.

John Mattis asked for a discussion on rules for the use of the Bridge Center and handed out a paper for Board members’ consideration. All classes should be on a master calendar and cleared by the Bridge Center Manager. The calendar should also be available on Website events and printed in the Kibitzer. There will be further discussion at the next meeting.

August Minutes were approved.

Elinor reported that the Kibitzer will have 6 pages in October and 8 pages in November. After cutting down the Kibitzer printing to 350, there was less waste. Elinor sent out a request for bios for Board nominees. Only two have responded to date.

It was determined that the hand records provided for Walter Miller can be paid for in cash or free play vouchers.

Treasurer’s report – Sue mentioned that the report was e-mailed to all Board members. Table count was up 11% for the year. It was mentioned that the increase of table fees instituted in July of 2009 should be funneled into a specific fund. Sue will put the additional $2 per table into a reserve fund.

Unit Games – Phyllis

Unit Open Pairs game on Sunday, September 19th.
Unit Peninsula Challenge on Saturday, September 25th, with lunch provided and Eric in charge.
Sign up sheets for both events are posted on the bulletin board. Interested players can also sign up on the web or contact Phyllis.
NAP Qualifier game will take place on Sunday October 3rd at 1:15 with Will and Claire directing.
Mentor/Mentee game and Open Pairs will take place on October 10th.
November 1st is a 199er game.
November 21st is the Unit pot luck with an open game, for which Lynn Giusti will be cooking the turkey. We owe her our appreciation!
Chef Chu’s is doing the 4:30 dinner after the Unit Christmas game on December 19th. This event is for Unit members only and admission is a donated, new, unwrapped toy.

Steve Barasch reported on the 2011 Firecracker tournament, which will be held July 13th to 17th because of a scheduling conflict at the Convention Center. However, it is still possible that the date might change back to Independence Day. In the meantime Steve would like to get suggestions for an appealing name for a July 13th tournament.

Lu Isaacs – Membership drive. Lu sent out suggestions but up to now does not have enough information to present a plan to the Board members. She will form a small committee to work on a plan.

An update of the Mentor/Mentee list is in order, as well as expression of appreciation to Kathie Shaw and Merle Orelove for their work with the Mentor/Mentee program.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:20PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch
For Terry Lancaster