ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, September 8th, 2009

Present were Phyllis Gaffney, David Wheeler, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Steve Lubeck , Jeannette McNeil, Nita Girand, Betsy Steele, Eric Mayefsky, Mike Atherton and Susana Krulevitch.

Bridge Center Rehab Update –  Mike Atherton reported that the insurance company for Twisters has indicated a willingness to re-assess the idea of retaining a second expert on Air Quality, one who would be acceptable to both sides. Alan Cummings provided the necessary work which our remediation expert said needed to be done.  This is being reviewed and we are awaiting a response from Twisters’ attorney.

Car Pooling – no new developments. A car-pooling website is ready but some critical mass is required to get started. Alan T’s e-mail to Board members, encouraging them to register, had very poor response.

Directors’ Agreements – discussion postponed until the October meeting. We should meet with Cameron Cotton and other Directors as to future action.  Cameron sent a letter to Mike which should be presented to Board members and other Directors. If Directors cannot attend the October meeting they will be asked to send a written statement.

Last month’s Minutes were approved.

Elinor gave a report on the Kibitzer – 350 copies were printed in August and none were left. Lots of copies left in September. 350 copies will be printed in the future. Nita sent out about 30 copies to newcomers.  Old Kibitzers can be found on line and are archived. Elinor will be gone from Sept. 18th to Oct. 1st. Marian will take over. Elinor will send flyers for Unit and Swiss games to Board members to look over.

Swine Flu action – concern was expressed by several members. There will be another notice in the Kibitzer requesting that players with flu symptoms do not attend games.  We will also ask Directors to make an announcement to players.

Alan Templeton gave the Treasurer’s Report: The Unit balance is $61,000 and the Bridge Center balance is $33,400. Bridge Center broke even last month. It has $20,000 in the bank with the rest of the assets being held by Twisters. Table count is down 8% for the year but we are gradually recovering from the time the Center was closed because of the water damage. There is $3,700 in the Education Fund with the ACBL holding another $8,200.

David recommended a raise for the janitor.  It was suggested that he speak with Allan C. and that the janitor’s pay be increased from $650 to $700. There was a motion to this effect, which was seconded and approved.

Directors were reminded to look for a mailing from the ACBL regarding election for a Second Alternate for District 21 Meetings and to send in their vote.

District 21 Report – Gabrielle to give it at out next meeting.

Betsy suggested that daily results of the All Western Championship be posted on the District 21 website. She will follow up by contacting Bruce Blakely.

Unit Games – The NAP Qualifier was rescheduled for October 11th. There will be two sessions, 1:15 and 5:45. Last Monday night’s Swiss game was very successful. The August 30th Compact Knock Out and Swiss was well attended with 31 teams playing Some players felt that the event lasted too long and that there was a need for another Director or more caddies. It was suggested not to serve lunch in the future.

Jeannette – Mentor/Mentee Barometer game, October 18th.  Game will be stratified by average pair points but flights will be left up to the Director(s). Game will be open to everyone but Mentor/Mentees will be encouraged to play, in a separate section. New Mentor/Mentee pairs should contact Jeannette. Director(s) will provide food.

Swiss game on September 20th to start at 12:45.

One of our members has difficulty maneuvering her motorized chair in the women’s bathroom because of the cabinet. David will resolve the situation.

Unit Sportsmanship and Service nominations are coming up. Nominee has to be a member. Deadline is October 15th.

Phyllis is sending “sunshine” greetings to players in need of a little cheer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch
