The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by Susan Griswold, President. Present were Board members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Allen Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Sue Barkley, Henryk Szejnwald, and Keith Burnett. Also attending: Elinor Tanck (Kibitzer), Club Owners John Schwartz and John Prior, and several Unit members.
The minutes of the September Board meeting were approved.
The Kibitzer report given by Elinor stated that there would be an eight page issue for November due to the coverage of the candidates for the Board and the election ballot and election instructions.
Keith announced that Unit games for the rest of the year have been posted on the Web site. The Thanksgiving pot luck, election party, and Unit game will be held November 11 with lunch starting at 11:30. Keith made a motion that a Second Harvest donation of food stuffs and cash be held in conjunction with this event. Motion carried.
On December 16, the Unit holiday party and game will be held. Only Unit members will be able to participate in this event. Everyone attending is asked to bring an unwrapped toy.
Treasurer’s report showed $93,100 in the Unit and Bridge Center accounts ($52,100 in cash and savings, $29,000 loan to IFES which will be repaid in May ’13, and $12,000 in security deposits, all offset by $4500 in accounts payable)and $4594 in the Education Fund.
Elections Update: Two additional members have asked to be on the ballot for Board positions in addition to those listed last month. They are Ron Kilgren and Claire Coleman.
The slate recommended by the nomination committee consists of Valerie Baldwin, Bob Horowitz, Todd Makler, Brian Samuels, and James Stuart-Smith. After much discussion, David moved that the ballot be presented as formatted by the Nomination Committee. Motion carried.
The License Agreement will require more discussion time than we have at this meeting. A special meeting has been set for 4 PM Tuesday, October 9, 2012.
The Bridge Center Rental Policy was discussed. Kevin presented the policy drafted by the committee. After discussion, Kevin agreed to modify the Policy and present it at the next meeting. After discussion of the fees, Bev made a motion that the fee for use of the Bridge Center for lessons be $3 per paid student per class day, to be paid by the end of the third lesson. If additional students are allowed to join the class, those fees will be due upon enrollment of those students. Motion passed.
Chris Bunz presented a drawing of the proposed Bridge Center sign. It was received warmly. Chris will contact a sign maker and bring a proposal to the Board for approval.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on November 6 at 3:45 PM. A special Board Meeting to discuss the License Agreement will be held October 9 at 4 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary
(1) Administrative
1. Approval of September 2012 Minutes
2. Kibitzer Report (Elinor)
3. Unit Games Update (Keith)
4. Treasurer’s Report (Bev)
5. Elections Update (Sue)
(2) Items Initiated By BOD Members
1. License Agreement Update (Sue)
2. AV Update (Sue)
3. Firecracker Budget
(3) New Business
1. Bridge Center Rental Policy (Kevin, Keith, Allen, John M)
2. Bridge Center Building Sign (Sue)
3. Animals in Bridge Center
4. Bylaws Change—Bridge Center/Unit (Alan W)