ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Nov. 4, 2008

 Present were  Steve Lubeck,  Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton,

Trina Bowman,  Mike Atherton, Nita Girand, Eric Mayefsky and Susana Krulevitch.

We blithely hold our meeting while the fate of the nation is being decided at the polls.

The next meeting will be on December 9th.

The Board nominated a candidate for the District Good Will Award.

Last month’s Minutes were approved.

Kibitzer – Elinor informed us that only 14 issues were left over last month. Deadline for the next issue is (was) on Friday, Nov. 7th. Waiting for responses from directors about holiday closings.

Treasurer’s report – Some money came in from the Education program. Good interest earned. Unit was up $1206 for the month, with $53,500 in net assets. The Bridge Club has $34,000 in assets. Paid out $5750 for Bridge Pads, down $3000 for the month. This wiped out profit for the year. Table count was up this month to 6248. Through September still up 5.1%. Education Fund has $2600.


Membership report – Nita – We have five new members, and 2 transferred out. Total membership – 800.

Dave – Bridge Club bought a laser printer and a bulletin board.

Susana gave an update on the License Agreements.  There is only one outstanding now. Will try and get this completed.

Mike –  Two Unit games – one on November 23rd. Potluck with Sherrie’s son-in-law providing turkey (carving) and trimmings. All players to bring side dishes. Mike and Alan Templeton will make announcements at games.

December 7th party – would like to use back room, maybe rent it. Alan C. mentioned that the rental is high. Chef Chu to do the catering. No dessert will be served.  Every player to bring a “toy for kids”for East PA or MV Police Dept. Will ask Roy Robinson to handle it at his discretion.

Alan C – update on Education Program. It is going well. Has sent report for the Education Meeting in Boston. The Program has spent less than one third of its money but donations are always welcome. Two volunteers for the Junior program have come forward.

Carpet replacement – Alan C. has samples of carpet tiles and price.  Estimated cost is $10,000. It was decided to delay this decision until next year. There are 3 years remaining on our lease with Twisters.

Master point petition – We as a Board want to be sure that games are run according to ACBL regulations. John Pryor’s actions are in compliance with these rules and the Board approves of them.


Break in at the Bridge Center. Computer, Monitor and Keyboard were taken. We lost game files. Waiting to hear from owners regarding insurance coverage. Our insurance (for contents) re-imbursed us for the computer but not for the damage to the door. Discussed the possibility of an alarm system, laptop with securing mechanism, motion detectors and a flange

on the doors to prevent breaking in with a crowbar. Also, ask insurance company for suggestions. A bid to replace the doors has been accepted.

Nita mentioned her concern about the paintings which we display at the Center. It was suggested that she let the artist know that we had a break-in and proceed from there.

Gabriella (in absentia) brought up the idea for a bridge camp at the Center. Run a program similar to Thursday night’s Beginners program with players from Middle Schools. Program might be funded by Education program or paid for by parents. Directors can be compensated. The Bridge Club can be made available on Saturday mornings from 9-11:30. This could be a goal of the Education program with help of the ACBL. Steve Lubeck expressed interest in directing such a game. The Board inquired how Gabriella envisioned her involvement. There is some information on youth bridge on the ACBL website and Eric will get information from a

person who runs such a program for profit. This could be a new initiative for the next Board.

Alan T. would like to upgrade  the Unit website to have more capability. He also would like

to log on to a back-up website at a respective cost of $10.00 and $50 to $100 per year.

Both requests were approved.

Alan C. wanted to know if we have a signed contract for the Bridge Pads. (?)

Some directors do not post HR’s on the website. Alan T. will work with Will to make this

easier for the directors.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:33PM

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch
