ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 11/5/07
The meeting was called to order by President-for-Life Alan Cummings. All board members were present except Ginger Herrick. Also present were Steve Lubeck, Susana Krulevitch, Nita Girand, Elinor Tanck, Mike Atherton and Lu Issacs.
Lu was at the meeting to bring to the attention of the board an activity that has disturbed her and her bridge acquaintances. Apparently, Chuck Lane and Margot Goodman obtained name and address information of our unit members, and used it for advertising their real estate business. The board decided to address the issue by putting a message on the web site and in the Kibitzer telling people not to misuse this information. In addition, Chuck and Margot will be contacted personally.
Steve briefly mentioned the 2008 Firecracker. The Hyatt is willing to host it after all, and it will start on July 2.
Elinor discussed the next month’s Kibitzer. It will be a six-page issue.
Eric discussed the next month’s forum article. It is written and sent.
Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The Unit has a balance of $48,114.41, and the Center has $30,941.28.The question of whether we have too much money in the bank was raised. Alan T. pointed out that we should have a three-month cushion so we can still pay our rent even if the games were temporarily halted due to some emergency. However, if our funds continue to grow this question will be visited again. Table counts continue to be up about 5%.
The monthly membership report as not given because Liz Blum is MIA (no longer in the area). Alan C. mentioned that we have 776 members.
It was mentioned that the air conditioner is not working properly. The system is pretty screwed up with thermostats in Twister areas controlling some of our conditioning. However, the problem is mainly the responsibility of Mr. and Mrs. Twister.
In between meetings action PFL Alan C. mentioned that perhaps we should check out defibrillators. Alan’s concern was piqued by two incidents the past weeks where players were in some distress. Neither incident concerned heart problems, but it highlighted the fact that we have members in our club who might be somewhat at risk. Gabi, who has strongly urged us to buy one in the past, will pursue an investigation.
We also decided to celebrate Hansa’s Team accomplishment during the January’s Unit game.
Old Business
The Service and Sportsmanship Awards, the balloting for which is taking place now, will be announced at the November 18th Unit game. There will be a potluck, and we will have two turkeys. Directing (please note punctuation between “turkeys” and “directing”) will be Mr. Watson in the open section and Mr. O’Leary in the limited game.
The holiday party takes place on December 9th. Will will again direct the open section, Chef Chu’s will cater, and Nancy Cadwell will decorate.
Alan is finally about to launch our tax deductible education fund through the ACBL. We need a base amount of $10,000 to get it going, and then any size contributions can be made. Alan envisions guest lecturers, a library, a computer workstation, and, perhaps, a bridge outreach program in schools. An announcement will be made in the Kibitzer every month. Gabi and Eric were willing to stuff envelopes and mail solicitations (however, where they get the mailing list from may be a touchy subject).
Roy talked about the new EZ bridge class that he, Lori, Kathy Harper, and Sue Johnston have taken over from Carla on Friday morning. So far, the switchover seems to be fairly seamless. Carla will receive a commendation for her work with this group. She took over on a stop-gap basis and stayed for four or five years. We will reimburse her for any expenses incurred.
We discussed the dealing machine access. It appears as if we need another computer (a laptop) so the machine can be used during game times in another part of the center (Will routinely does this). We may need a dealing machine signup sheet. We will see how the informal situation that now exists works.
At meeting time the number of games that were to be closed during the nationals was still somewhat up in the air. Elinor wanted current info to put in the Kibitzer.
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler