Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ACBL Unit 503

Monday, March 14, 2022 via Zoom

Directors Present

David Merenbach, Marc Cervellino, Gerry MacDonald, Jon Rayden, John Schwartz, Dan Thatte, Eli Wismer, Stephanie Youngquist

Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting

Paul Davis, Alan Templeton, Kathy Wheeler, Liz Koh

M/S/P = Moved/Seconded/Passed

Call to Order

David Merenbach, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting, called the meeting to order at 4:02PM and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having duly convened, was ready to proceed with business.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Eli Wismer announced that the minutes of the January 27, 2002 Special Board Meeting and the minutes of the February 14, 2022 Board Meeting were approved via email.

Non-Life Master Sectional

Liz Koh reported on the NLM Sectional held February 19 and 20. Congratulations to Liz and Dianne Giancarlo for a very successful and profitable event!

Celebrity Lecture Series

Kathy Wheeler reported on the status of the 2022 Celebrity Lecture Series.  Next Celebrity Lectures: 

Robert Todd, April 2, 2022 (22 sign ups currently)

Donna Compton, June 11, 2022

Adam Parrish, October1, 2022

Financial Update

Marc Cervellino presented an update on our Finances.  There was positive Net Operating Income and positive Net Cashflow for February, with results better than Budget for the first two month.  A Net Operating Loss is projected for March.

Proposal for Funding March Special Events

David Merenbach discussed a proposal to compensate the Club Owners for the Special Events in March.  It was proposed that the Unit gross up a payment to the Sanction Holders for the games through March 28, 2022 to total $12.00 per person/per sanction. The rental fee paid by the Club Owners will be $0.00 for the first 5 tables of each game, and then a charge of $14.50 per table for each table above 5.  M/S/P, with John Schwartz abstaining.

Annual Meeting

The Unit 503 Annual Meeting will be held at 3:45PM April 11, 2022 via Zoom, 15 minutes before the scheduled April Unit 503 Board Meeting.

Volunteer Requirements

David Merenbach discussed upcoming volunteer needs, particularly the Firecracker Sectional and the Tuesday Morning Free Lecture Series. David will reach out to Unit members individually to ask for their support.


David discussed the current relationship between SiVY and our Unit.

Facility Clean Up

Gerry MacDonald, Lori Spaeth and Stephanie Youngquist performed a much needed clean up of the Director’s Room and Kitchen. Thank you team!  More work is needed in the kitchen, but the facility is in much better shape than prior weeks.  We will continue to use paper products in place of glassware.  

The meeting was adjourned at 4:58PM.

ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 14 at 4pm
To be held by video teleconference
for information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact

  • Minutes December & Special Meeting (Eli)
  • Non-life-master sectional (Liz K & Dianne G)
  • Celebrity Lecture series (Kathy W)
  • Financial Update & Table Count Update (Marc)
  • Proposal for Funding March Special Events (DLM)
  • Annual meeting Confirm
  • Volunteer requirements – Firecracker
  • SiVy Update