David Puryear, President, called the meeting to order at 3:32pm. The other directors present included Leslie Altick, Gill Barsley, Peggy Chen, Paul Davis, Jim Harris, Marolyn Imaoka, Todd Makler, and Jody Williams. The Board approved the minutes of the February meeting as submitted.

James Stuart-Smith submitted a report on the status of plans for the 2016 Firecracker. Progress is being made on all fronts. Thank you to Cheryl Haines for arranging for an attractive room rate at the Hampton Inn on Moffett Blvd., walking distance from the Bridge Center. To better acquaint members with team play (and encourage play at the Firecracker), there will be a lecture on team play on 3/29 at the Bridge Center. Similarly, there will be an article on the website, “Understanding the Firecracker Schedule” to explain to newer players the different types of games available to them. We still need a Set-up/Take-down chair and a Second Harvest Food Bank Coordinator, as well as a co-chair for the Firecracker who would be willing to manage it in 2017.

Treasurer’s Report: Todd reported the IRS dismissed the 2014 tax penalty facing the Unit. The accountant made a mistake and worked to have the penalty waived. Since Non Life Master Sectionals will become regularly scheduled events, Todd proposed including the table count with those from our regularly scheduled games. A motion to separately track table counts for the Firecracker passed.

Peggy Chen reported on her preliminary research into replacing the flooring in the Bridge Center. She created a set of criteria that must be met in choosing among materials. The Board ratified the proposed criteria and asked that Peggy continue her investigations.

Scheduling Bridge Classes: It has been Unit policy to schedule bridge classes out 6 months. However, Kathy Harper has requested to schedule classes further ahead (with the understanding that possible future scheduling conflicts will be amicably negotiated). Dave will follow up with her and if she is amenable to coordinating with the Lecture Series, Kathy may schedule beyond the 6-month guideline.

Board Role In Promoting Limited Games: With a flyer under development to promote the new limited games on the Bridge Center schedule, a question arose whether to promote limited games in other Unit locations. Discussion centered on how effective a flyer crowded with too much information could be. A motion passed to keep the flyer for the Bridge Center focused on limited games at the Center. The Board would support other limited games posting their own flyers at the Bridge Center.

Paul reported that the NAP Finals in 2017 will be held at the Bridge Center on January 21-22.


President: The accountant who conducted our past financial reviews is unavailable this year. Dave asked Paul to contact a CPA member of the Unit for a recommendation on a potential replacement. Dave announced that he has the names of the Ace of Clubs winners (the most points earned at the Bridge Center in the last year for each master point category). He will distribute them at upcoming games. Silicon Valley Youth Bridge (SiVY) will be having a volunteer appreciation day at an upcoming Unit game. A motion passed to give SiVY a discount on table fees for its volunteers.

Marolyn will be talking to the ACBL to see if there is a plan for how to get member permission to be listed in Pianola’s online directory. Contacting 1000 members by phone is not workable for the Unit. Three questions need answering: 1) Will an “opt out” suffice? 2) Are there restrictions on postal addresses? 3) In what form must the permission be given?

Marolyn is also working on setting dates for offering advanced director training classes with Tom Quinlan.

Paul has completed the Articles of Incorporation for the Peninsula Bridge Education Foundation and will send them in to the state. The by-laws for the foundation are in the review process and will be sent to the state after the Articles of Incorporation are approved.

Unit Games: Gill will start reporting on the Unit Games effective next meeting. She is currently inputting the data necessary for the reports.

First Annual 503/507 Championship Game: Jim reported he has contacted Unit 507 (San Jose) to have a two-day tournament. There will be two pairs events on Saturday and two team events on Sunday. Even non Unit players may enter, but they must choose a unit for which to play. There must be an ACBL director. Profits will be split between the two units.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pm. The next meeting will be on April 14 at 3:30 pm.

Call to Order: 3:30pm
Approval of February 11 Minutes
2016 Firecracker Status
Treasurer’s Report: Todd
Carpet Replacement Committee: Peggy
Table Counts: How should we report Sectionals, Unit games, and Club games?
Scheduling Bridge Classes: How far ahead should we allow scheduling? The Board has said 6
months, but we have a request from Kathy Harper to plan further ahead (with the
understanding that possible future scheduling conflicts will be amicably negotiated).
Board Role Promoting Games: Supporting the Bridge Center vs. Offsite games
NAP Finals in 2017 at our Center: Paul
President: Audit process, SiVY at Unit game, Ace of Clubs awards
Technology Committee: Jody/Marolyn
Finance Committee: Leslie
Education Funding: Paul
Unit Games: Jim/Gill
First Annual 503/507 Championship Games: Jim