Susan Griswold, President, called the meeting to order at 3:55 PM. Present were members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Alan Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Henryk Szejnwald. Elinor Tanck also attended. Margot Livenspargar, Bev Nuding and Sue Barkley did not attend. The previous minutes and treasurer’s report, sent to the board members by email were approved.
We will have a Unit Game on March 18. The Grand Opening is scheduled for April 29. There will be lunch, probably at 11:30, followed by a Unit Game. Plans are in the works for the lunch, decorations, prizes, gifts, publicity, etc.
Thus far, the fund for outfitting the new building has amounted to slightly over $35K in donations. These include a few large ones and many smaller ones; a few of the larger ones are designated for specific items. We have spent $20K on the flooring, $5K on the lighting, and $15K on the new chairs. Some more will be spent on the kitchen.
We currently have $90K in the bank, and as an asset the $50K loan to IFES, which they will pay as a reduction in the rent by $3K per month until all is paid.
We would like to have displays in the room, especially for use in classes and lectures, but on which game results could also be posted. The room is so large that this poses a problem. A single projection screen would be difficult to see from the farther end, and may be too dim. An alternative is flat panel displays; the question is how many we would need around the room. It was suggested that we hire a consultant on such matters to advise us on our particular situation. H. Szejnwald will look into this. Perhaps the education fund, where donations are tax deductible, could pay for some of this.
Everything in the new center should be finished this week and the final inspections will occur next week.
The license agreement for club owners in use at the Stierlin address is no longer valid and a new one is needed. Because this cannot be completed by the time games move into our new center, an interim agreement on a month-to-month basis will be prepared for the club owners.
The next Board meeting will be at 3:45 PM Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.