ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, March 3, 2009
The Meeting of the BOD was held at the Atherton’s who graciously allowed us to meet at their home.
Present were Steve Lubeck, Alan Templeton, Phyllis Gaffney, Elinor Tanck, Mike Atherton, Eric Mayefsky, Nita Girand, Dave Wheeler and Susana Krulevitch. Also present was Alan Cummings.
Alan Cummings and Mike Atherton reviewed the history of the flooding which took place on the night of Feb 12th, and resulted in the Center’s closure. They read excerpts from the report of John Riera of American Air Testing Inc., indicating that it was safe to re-open the Club provided that remediation work be completed at a future date. At that time, it would be necessary to close the Center to do the work. The air would then again be tested to assure its safety. The BOD then voted unanimously to re-open the club, and to advise the Directors, so that they could schedule their games.
New business: An increase in bridge fees was discussed to create a fund to allow us to move to another facility if we need or choose to do so. It would probably cost between $50,000 to
$60,000 to make improvements to a new facility. The issue is if there should be a rate increase at all and if so, how best to time it. It was decided to discuss the rate increase further at the next meeting.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Elinor – Kibitzers were delivered at Walter’s, Sherie’s and the Bridge Center. Everyone agreed that the last issue of the Kibitzer was excellent. Next issue will have six pages. It will feature Bridge Center flood coverage from Mike and Alan T.
Alan T. gave the Treasurer’s report: The Unit has $54, 429. The Bridge Center has a balance of $31,400. Lost $600 for the month, $180 in flood damage. The table count for January was about the same as last year. Unit has about 1000 tables a month, 600 of which are at the Bridge Center. No expenses for the Education Fund last month. There is a little over $1000 in the Education Fund. Will apply for more funds. Alan Cummings will go to Houston to discuss the Education Fund.
Joan Van Gehr honorary game – Ginger got the OK from the District to proceed with a game in Joan’s honor. A motion was made and passed that there should not be any memorial games at the Firecrackers tournament. It is a matter of logistics and general concerns.
Education – Sherie did not report back to Mike regarding interest in a Stanford Student Bridge Game at Creekside Oaks. Will pursue this item at the next meeting.
Director’s Class – only five people have signed up so far. Will get more information from Jeannette.
Unit Game – there will be a sign-up sheet for Unit Games at the Bridge Center only, plus sign-up at the internet. Monday evenings’ Swiss Game will be advertised again. Eric mentioned that a Swiss game will work with only five tables. The next Unit Game will take place on March 29th and Elinor will put a notice in the Kibitzer. Partnership arrangements can be made on the internet. (Go to the Partnership Desk at the Unit website.)
Phyllis replaced the trophy for Dr. Carolyn Chaney, as her name was misspelled the first time.
Eric – there will be a KO Unit Game in August, with two sessions. Alan T mentioned that we do not need to make money off the Unit Games and can keep them at $7.00. Team games are more expensive. A motion was made and passed that there will be a charge of $8.00 for all team games, including the Monday night Swiss Game and a charge of $7.00 for regular games.
Nita reported that she will give a copy of the Bridge Bulletin to every new prospect. She sent out Newcomers Packet to 9 people and intends to encourage and promote joining the ACBL to beginning players and others who do not currently belong to the organization.
Phyllis will be ordering name badges – encouraged people to contact her if they would like to order same.
Alan T. mentioned that the Directors should find an alternate place to hold games while repairs go on at the Bridge Center. If any board members find such a place, they will let the Directors know.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch