ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes    3/7/06

The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except Liz Blum and Dave Bernstein. Will Watson, Lori Spaeth (despite have quite an ordeal at the bridge table prior to the meeting) and Elinor Tanck were also present.

We changed the meeting days of the BOD in April and July due to conflicts. The meetings will be on the 11th of each month (second Tuesday).

We began the meeting by discussing the new member directory. Lori said that there were 400 to 500 changes from last year. The directory will be brand new as it will be in subsequent years. Lori is having 700 printed (for about $332), and they will be free to all players. If a person wants a second copy, they can have one for $1.00.

Last meeting’s minutes were approved with corrections.

Elinor gave the Kibitzer report. She mentioned that the Unit game will be April 9th, not 16th. Since we have changed the date of the April meeting, she will be able to be in attendance. She would not have been able to make April 4th meeting.

Alan Templeton gave the treasurer’s report. Adjustments continue to be made as Alan tries to get expenses charged to the correct accounts, but things seem to be settling down. The Unit balance was $36,134.39 ($25,393.70 in the Unit savings account, $10740.69 in the Unit checking account). The Bridge Center balance was $16,981.66.

Alan C. questioned whether we needed a new Swiss-teams board. Gabriella showed us the one she made – very nice. We decided we didn’t need a new board.

Old Business

Roy gave a report on the status of our owner license agreement for those games in the bridge center. Roy has called all the owners and has left the agreements in their mailboxes. He is supposed to have signed agreements by March 22nd. As was mentioned previously, if an owner is not a member of our unit, he or she is not covered by our insurance. We would like such owners to have their own insurance. What will happen if such owners won’t get their own insurance is TBD.

We discussed early-bird bridge. The game has had 3 players the last two weeks. Claire and Gabriella did not charge either time even though the players were willing to pay (they felt they were getting a lot from the game). Since the unit is paying $50 to the directors each week, and because the players are not really committed to playing at the center, we decided (with Claire’s blessing) to end the game after next Thursday. It was a good idea, but it needs more thought given to the promotion of the game.

Roy discussed the unit games. There were 26 tables at the February 26th Swiss-teams game, which was the same number as last year. However there were more beginning players this year. The next unit game on March 19th will be a mixed-pairs game. Non-mixed pairs can play, but they will not be able to place overall. The April 9th unit game will be a Charity game. Table fees will be $9.00. Roy suggested that we raise the rates on all unit games, but the board decided not to.

Alan C. and Gabriella gave the District 21 report. They were less than complementary toward the meeting. Since the minutes are now readily available to the public, no mention will be made of Alan’s exact words.

We discussed the Firecracker Sectional. John said that things were going to be more expensive than last year. The directors are going to need 23 room nights, and their per diem will be higher (not to mention the director’s pay will increase). It is safe to say that the firecracker will not be the financial bonanza that it has been the last 2 years.

New Business

There will be an annual membership meeting before the unit game on March 19th.

Gabriella then discussed a subject which, apparently, is near and dear to her – getting intermediate and newcomers involved in games at the center and in sectionals. The board was given a handout and asked to think of ideas that they would be willing to help with. She also mentioned possibly having a second sectional for beginners only.

Kathy Harper is apparently having a visit from the New York Times bridge editor in May. We may try to get him to give a talk before a game.

We then adjourned.

Dave Wheeler
