ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, June 2nd, 2009
Present were Nita Girand, Phyllis Gaffney, David Wheeler, Jeannette McNeil, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Grant Spaeth, Mike Atherton and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were Alan Cummings and Betsy Steele, as well as the following club owners: Claire Coleman, Kevin O’Leary, John Prior, John and Linda Mattis, Roy Robinson, Lori Spaeth and Will Watson.
Bridge Center Rehabilitation Update – Mike Atherton and Alan Cummings reported that essentially there was nothing new since the last meeting of the BOD. Despite repeated attempts on our part and our attorney’s part, to have Saveco, Twisters’ Ins. Carrier, follow up on their promise to hire an independent Air Testing expert, nothing has been done. Safeco’s representative had indicated on April 20th that Safeco would retain Mr. Jim Holland of Sacramento, a recognized authority in the field, to conduct the investigation. Alan Cummings, Mike Atherton and Alan Templeton will continue to work through this temporary impasse without having to resort to litigation unless absolutely necessary.
The BOD invited the club owners to attend the meeting, to discuss table fees and try to reach better rapport between the owners and the BOD.
Table Fees – Alan Templeton stated that this might be a good time to move to rent or buy another building. It will probably take $50,000 or more to upgrade another building plus rent deposit. To raise $50,000 we need to increase the table fee by $3.00 per table. The owners are not limited by the amount the Board sets. Owners’ Agreements should be the same for everyone. Table fees have been kept constant so far because the table count has gone up but it seems that we have now reached a saturation point. To prepare for future expenses, we need to raise $50,000. We may get player donations and we can borrow from the Unit.
It was suggested that we save on supplies, in particular the hand records which are costly. We have also made some major investments but these have contributed to the reputation of our Unit. Alan Cummings mentioned that in a year’s time we will be more aware of our future financial needs.
A. It was ultimately suggested to raise table fees by club owners for all games (club games, Unit games, I/N games and our educational courses) by $2.00 per table starting with the July 1 payment. Payment for non-game uses (such as Just for Fun, our lecture series, etc.) will remain at $1.00 per person per hour. In one year we will re-evaluate the need for money to support a potential move and reassess fees. It is also possible that we will need to reevaluate fees before next June as we face uncertain expenses associated with the flood remediation. Club owners are free to set player fees at whatever level they desire.
B. It was also suggested to institute a policy of asking for club owner feedback on all capital improvements costing in excess of $2000. Further, club owners were encouraged to attend board meeting and/or run for board positions.
Items A and B were later put into motion and passed. Grant Spaeth abstained from any discussion and voting on the above items A and B.
A motion was also made and approved that as of September 1st Cameron Cotton will pay the same table fee as the rest of the club owners.
Elinor reported that of the 450 issues of the Kibitzer printed in May, 90 were thrown away. 400 were printed in June. Phyllis mentioned that many bridge players read the Kibitzer on-line.
Director’s absence from BOD meetings – the by-laws state that if a director misses three meetings without notifying the president, that director may be removed from the board. One of our directors has been absent that many times. An e-mail was sent previously but no reply was received. It was decided to follow up with a letter sent by mail. As we may need a replacement, Betsy Steele was suggested.
Unit games – Phyllis mentioned that running the monthly unit games plus the Monday evening Swiss game is too much for one or two people. She and Eric will not be here for the Mentor/Mentee game. A motion was made and approved that instead of the June 14th Mentor/Mentee game there will be a regular stratified and 99’ers unit pair game on that date. Alan T. will send an e-mail to the club owners to make the announcement. It was agreed that having a separate director for the 99’ers makes the 99’ers more comfortable.
Dave will have the dishwasher replaced in the kitchen with an appliance of his choice.
The carpet at the Bridge Center will be cleaned over the Firecrackers tourno. The paintings can stay up.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch