Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ACBL Unit 503
Thursday, July 8, 3 p. m, via zoom

Directors Present
Geraldine(Gerry) MacDonald, President, Marc Cervellino, Charlene Friedman, Jon Rayden, John Schwartz, Dan Thatte, Stephanie Youngquist, David Merenbach, Eli Wismer

Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting
Paul Davis, Randy Ryals, Lisa Koh, Alan Templeton, Lori Spaeth, Marolyn Imaoka

Call to Order

Gerry, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting. Gerry called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business. Gerry confirmed that all participants could hear one another.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Gerry announced that the minutes of the June 10th meeting were approved via email.

Dan Thatte presented a summary of the nomination committee research on expanding the board. Since we have to hold an election to add members to the board, the committee recommended not doing anything at this time. 

Marc, nominated Eli Wismer for the vacant officer position of Board Secretary. The nomination was seconded by Charlene and passed unanimously. Gerry will be drafting a letter to our bank to add Eli to the list of officers with the bank.

Financial Update

Marc presented a detailed financial update providing a summary of our online game participation. Our overall revenue has increased as it includes the grant we received from PBEF to assist with reopening. However, our expenses are higher and table fees are lower. All this being considered, overall we are still financially doing better than our budget projections through June. Thanks to our game owners that have contributed 60% of our revenue to date. Clearly without the game owners and their considerable efforts, during the COVID shelter in place, to run online games, our situation would be considerably worse. 

The board voted unanimously to request additional support from PBEF for $2,500 to pay the Unit’s half of the HVAC upgrade to add air scrubbers to the systems supporting our facility. The board also voted unanimously to request support from PBEF for $18,790 to support the carpet replacement in the facility. 

Non-Life Master Update

District 21 has rejected our request to run a Regional Non Life Master tournament in Feb. 2022. Gerry is working with Jim Harris to request those dates as a Sectional NLM tournament.

We are proceeding with the Non Life Master Sectional scheduled for Sept. 18-19.

Liz Koh presented a flyer and poster to advertise the event and begin sign-ups.

The board approved up to a $15 game fee with a discount price for students. The fee will be adjusted with an early payment discount (non-refundable ). Liz and  Diane the co-chairs will be looking into contactless payments. The flyer and poster will contain a notification that proof of COVID vaccination will be required on site. The web sign-up will include a check box self confirmation of fully vaccinated status. Sign-ups will be monitored to assure that we are meeting a table count that supports current COVID requirements. Reservation confirmations will be sent and if necessary a waiting list will be managed. 

Re-opening plans

The board voted unanimously to reconfirmation a previous vote that all individuals 

entering into the bridge center facility will be required to show proof of fully vaccinated status for COVID-19.  So moved by Charlene, seconded by John, approved unanimously.

The board agreed that we will have hand sanitizer and facemarks available as optional safety items in the facility.

David Merenbach moved, and John seconded the following:

Let it be moved that the board gives authority to the President, to reopen the facility no earlier than 48 hours after the carpet installation is completed and no later than 3 weeks after the carpet installation is completed. 

The motion was voted and approved unanimously.

The next meeting will be Thursday August 12 at 3 pm.

A motion to adjourn was made by David and seconded by Jon. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 pm. 


ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Thursday, July 8, 3 pm
To be held by video teleconference
For information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact 

  1. Call to order
  2. Note approval of minutes for 6/10/2021 boar meeting was via email.
  3. Nominating Committee Update (Dan)
  4. Secretary nomination (Marc)
  5. Financial Update (Marc)
  6. Reopening plans: Date to Reopen Bridge Center
    1. Supplies to order, what is on hand
    2. Carpeting
    3. Opening Day Event
    4. Food, Drinks, Masks
  7. Request to PBEF to fund carpet replacement
  8. NLM update $15 fee per game? Confirm IFES knowledge of    event
  9. Annual Meeting?
  10. Adjourn