ACBL Unit 503 Minutes 7/8/2008
Present were Elinor Tanck, Steve Lubeck, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Eric Mayefsky, Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton, and Susana Krulevitch.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Elinor – She and Marian will be out of town. Lori will take Kibitzer notes at next meeting. Please remind her and send her agenda. Comments on new format have been positive.
It will be announced that the “Winners’ Circle” will be posted on our website and at the Center shortly after the end of each month. August Kibitzer will have 8 pages. (Has since been increased to 10 pages.)
Treasurer Report – Alan Templeton is out of town but sent the latest report to the Board before leaving. Total table count is still up nicely from last year. Mentor/Mentee event had minimum attendance and should be re-examined as a future event.
Dave spoke with Alan Fusilero regarding extra space for the September Unit game – Alan F. has not gotten back to Dave on this. A/C technician was to come by later in the week. Claire will get 2 new fans for the front section.
Play Pads – since these are popular, we should continue to express interest.
Steve – the Firecrackers set a new record. 127 hotel rooms were taken of which the Directors took 24. The total table count was 917 compared to last year’s 907.5. Looks like we made a profit of $3600. Results were posted on the website, which was a nice new feature. The I/N sessions seem to do well as did the final day’s Swiss game. Eric suggested that we might have 3 sessions on the week-end. The District favors 10-3 sessions rather that 3 and 7. Will start planning for next year. No guarantee from hotel yet. With the exception of a few minor details the Firecrackers was a big success. Steve mentioned that a lot of people contributed to make it so. Congratulations and thanks to Steve and also thanks to Allan Cummings for securing the hotel space.
Mike – re-evaluate the Mentor/Mentee game. Next event is the Club’s 50th Anniversary pairs game.
Elinor – Anniversary party – Invitations will be sent to original Bridge Club members with request for RSVP to Mike by August 14th. Check with Fabian about a spread. Club may raise fee to $8.00 on next unit game after the anniversary party. September 21st KO/Swiss event has been changed to September 14th. $9.00 per player fee is a full day commitment, whether player opts to stay for the Swiss or not. Mike will contact Sherie regarding food and have the chef propose a menu.
Alan C. – Educational fund – Donna will publicize request for donations of bridge books and software. Library software is being set up. Larry Cohen and Mike Lawrence are being contacted for special prices of their material for libraries. Geske is planning seven Fall speaker sessions, two in Sept., Oct. and Nov. and one in Dec. David Bernstein will conduct two sessions and Geske will conduct one.
Elinor – NAP unit qualifier. We did not have one last year. Should we have one this year since our players have to go elsewhere to play to qualify? It was decided that we should. Eric will chair, plan and organize NAP for this year, date to be announced.
Dealing machine is not working at present. Will mentioned that it needs maintenance and replacement rollers. Should be working this coming week. Will will take the machine to Las Vegas to show to the designer from Australia who will be present. Manufacturer’s active support has been lacking. Alan C. suggested that we should always have two complete sets of rollers on hand, so that we can re-order one set at a time. It was decided to wait and see what Will has to report after Las Vegas.
Meeting was adjourned shortly after 5:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch