The meeting was called to order at 3:43 pm by Brian Samuels, President. Other board members present were Leslie Altick, Valerie Baldwin, Jim Harris, Bob Horowitz, Todd Mackler, James Stuart-Smith, and Jody Williams. Kevin O’Leary, with prior notice, was absent. Elinor Tanck, Kibitizer Editor, was also in attendance.
Brian welcomed those new to the 2014 board. He noted the reduction in board size from 11 to 9 members this year and the further reduction in 2015 to 7. He recognized the new officers: James as Vice-president, Leslie as Secretary, and Todd as Treasurer.
The minutes of the December meeting were approved.
In the president’s report, Brian acknowledged Jean Flock’s generous $20,000 bequest to the unit. Besides thanking her family and estate, Brian wrote an article for the Kibitzer to recognize Jean’s generosity. In addition, the unit game in March will be the Jean Flocks Memorial Game. The board discussed suggestions for additional ways to recognize this bequest (e.g., naming an existing trophy after Jean, creating a new trophy). As there was no consensus, the board created a small committee, chaired by James and consisting of James, Brian and Jody, with assistance by Elinor to recommend additional recognition of this unprecedented gift.
Brian will meet with Paul Davis and neighbors of the Bridge Center who have made positive comments to learn if there is a better way to positively position us with the City of Mountain View.
Brian provided a brief financial orientation for the new members. The most important driver of the unit’s income is the fees from the daily club games. Unit games produce next most significant revenue, followed by educational activities (both unit sponsored and private teachers). The Firecracker sectional traditionally provided income to the unit, but in shrinking amounts over the past several years (in 2013 it actually operated at a loss). Also, the ACBL pays the unit a portion of each member’s ACBL annual dues. The previous board’s Finance Committee recommended and the board had approved organizing the 2014 budget around 5 cost centers: 1) the Bridge Center, 2) the Firecracker Sectional, 3) Education, 4) Units games, and 5) Member Services (reflecting income and expenses that benefit all members, such as the dues income from the ACBL). This structure makes it easier to understand, analyze, and plan/budget the cash flows in and out of the unit. Brian also noted that per the previous Finance Committee’s recommendation, the Board adopted the policy of having a cash reserve equal to roughly 6 months of expenses, or $65,000. The 2014 Finance Committee will consist of Todd, Leslie, Margot, Jim, and Brian.
Todd introduced the 2014 budget, noting the unit’s current strong free cash reserve position of $73,000, up from $60,000 at the beginning of 2013. He recommended the Finance Committee meet in the next 6 weeks to finalize the budget based on year-end numbers. He overviewed key financial reports the board members receive each month and noted the unit’s tax preparer now has the financial reports necessary to prepare our tax return. Brian reported that he had been unable to find a volunteer willing to do the brief review of our finances that will satisfy our by-laws (check the bank balances and the documentation supporting them, randomly check a few expenses and their authorizations, verify that a random month’s table counts and fees reconcile, and see if there are other recommendations for the treasurer). As no one else knew of a willing volunteer for this financial check, Leslie moved that we hire the person Jim had identified (a CPA and former CFO) to spend no more than 4 hours (at $65/hour) to accomplish this review. The motion passed.
Jim presented a schedule for the 2014 unit games. The first 6 months’ Sunday unit games will be Swiss teams. The Board will decide the number of pairs games at a later date. There was discussion as to whether the December holiday unit game should continue to be free to members. The issue was tabled for now. There was additional discussion about the costs and benefits of the lunches served at the unit games. Jody suggested surveying the membership to better determine how these are viewed. Brian noted that we also need a better way to identify volunteers to help with unit game lunches and other events – in general, a better way to communicate with members and manage volunteers. Brian and Jody will follow up on the volunteer issue. Jim made a motion that the table fees for all Sunday unit Swiss games be raised to $10. After no further discussion, the Board approved the motion.
Jody reported the by-laws committee made a number of cleanup changes to our by-laws. She checked the unit’s by-laws against Robert’s Rules of Order, and found them consistent. She added a few sections on the purpose of by-laws from Robert’s to the unit’s policy document that guides implementation of the by-laws. These paragraphs address the use of email, tele- and videoconferencing to conduct board business. The next steps are to have Brian and Leslie review the specific changes that have been incorporated. Leslie will review a section from Robert’s on the contents of meeting minutes to identify any possibly additions to the policy document. The board then will review and approve both the by-laws and policy documents and submit them to an attorney to review for consistency with California law. Once complete, there will be open meetings for members to ask questions. Following these, there will be a membership meeting to approve the by-laws.
Elinor reported she will publish the unit game schedule through May in the upcoming issue of the Kibitzer, which will be 6 pages in length.
Under new business, the board decided to hold future board meetings on the first Thursday of each month (except in March to avoid the regional in Burlingame) at 3:45 pm. Agendas will be posted a week in advance of the board meeting on the website.
Brian began a discussion to identify possible board priorities for 2014. He shared a draft list, based on feedback from members, of the core activities (business) of the unit and several possible initiatives to support the core business in the coming year. Example initiatives included updating/publishing our policies; creating a more welcoming/ friendlier environment at our Bridge Center; and expanding our support for youth bridge. He asked the board to amend, expand, or otherwise edit both the list of core activities and possible initiatives for a future discussion. Several members had immediate suggestions for the initiatives list such as surveying members to determine their preferences. The objective is to agree on and prioritize a set of initiatives for 2014 that will enhance our unit, and to identify who will be responsible for driving each one.
Brian distributed a list of the volunteers who have already agreed to lead committees in 2014. There are still open positions.
We have tentatively agreed to have a joint non-life master sectional with Burlingame on May 17 and 18.
The next meeting will be held Thursday, February 6 at 3:45 pm at the Bridge Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Altick, Secretary
Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 3:45 pm at the Bridge Center
Notified Absences
Call Meeting To Order
Approval of Dec 17, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes
Welcome New Board Members & 2014 Officers
Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, President
President – Brian
Treasurer – Todd (Financial Reports, Explain 2014 Budget, Annual Financial Check-Up)
Unit Games – Jim
Bylaws – Jody
Kibitzer – Elinor
New Business
2014 Board meeting dates and times – Brian/All
2014 Board Projects & Priorities – Brian/All
2014 Volunteers Needed – Brian
NLM Sectional (Joint) May 17 & 18 – Kevin
Follow-up on Previous Business
Special Award – Elinor
Helping Weekend Games – Kevin
Test of Mounting Bidding Boxes – Kevin
A/V Equipment Update (HDMI?) – Val
Adjourn Meeting – Next meeting TBD or Thursday, Feb 6 at 3:45 pm Bridge Center
Future Agenda Items
Sound proofing – John Schwartz
Policies To Be Formally Completed – Use of BC (scheduling, teaching, rentals, memorials, lectures, Unit games, NAP), Student Discount Policy; Free Play; Obituaries on our Website; Compensating Club Owners; Use of Unit Email Distribution list; listing bridge classes on our website
2014 Priorities & Programs – All