The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM by Brian Samuels, President.
Present were Board members Brian Samuels, Valerie Baldwin, Todd Makler, Margot Livenspargar, Susan Griswold, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Robert Horowitz, and James Stuart-Smith. Henryk Szenjwald, having resigned his position, was not in attendance. Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer; John Schwartz, Club Owner; and other Unit members.
Brian greeted the Board and other attendees. He passed out copies of the Unit 503 Constitution and Bylaws as well as a sample Board Member Agreement as posted on the ACBL website. Brian will formulate a revision of this agreement and send it to all Board members and ask them to commit to it as the basis for how we will operate. He also said he would like to formulate a set of goals for the Board and the Unit. He asked for input and will present the goals at the February meeting.
Todd Makler, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report which showed a balance in the Unit fund of $72,600. He brought up several ideas for revision of the reports. Robert Horowitz moved that a reimbursement form be enclosed with every request for repayment. The motion was seconded and passed. It was noted that the President has the authority, granted in the past, to spend up to $500 without further authorization.
Alan Cummings gave a report on the parking problem. Kevin will ask the Club Owners to mention the problem at their games and ask people to park only in the allotted places or to park off site or to carpool.
Alan Cummings then discussed the table layout of the playing area. He suggested the Unit spend $700 to have an architect who is cognizant of the Mountain View statutes to present the Board with a suggested maximum occupancy limit. James moved that we do so. Motion passed. John Schwartz asked that he be allowed to meet with the architect when the architect comes to survey the room. He was assured that that would happen. John then said that his hope was that a maximum of 48 tables be the result.
A discussion was held concerning the date of future meetings. The regular Board meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 4 PM.
Alan Cummings then discussed the need for a larger screen at the front of the room for the Audio Visual system. Alan Templeton gave further information. The screen will be exchanged for the current screen and will not exceed the monies already approved for the A/V system, so no further action need be taken by the Board.
Kevin made a motion that $500 be spent to add a sink near the coffee bar. This was carried.
Valerie asked that the Board approve a Unit sponsored series of lessons by World Class Experts. Sue moved to do this and the motion carried.
Valerie also forwarded a request from Lori Spaeth for $400 to advertise the Unit sponsored Thursday night Intermediate class in the Palo Alto Daily. Kathy Harper’s beginners’ class would also be included. ACBL will subsidize 75% of this expense. Motion was made by Val to authorize a $400 expenditure, approved.
An explanation of an Executive Session was given by Brian, along with rules to be followed: The meeting is for Board members only. A cloak of strict confidentiality is in place. Roberts Rules of Order will prevail if they are needed. Any decisions arrived at will be carried forward to the open meeting and voted on then and recorded in the minutes.
James made a motion to move to Executive Session to consider the replacement on the Board for resigned member Henryk. Brian asked non-Board members to leave and they complied.
Brian called the regular meeting back to order.
Kevin moved that Lee Haze be elected to replace Henryk. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting of the Board will be Thursday, February 7 at 4 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 6:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary
Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 3:45 pm at the Bridge Center
Call Meeting To Order
Approval of Dec 4 Board Meeting Minutes
Welcome To The 2013 Board – Brian
Treasurer’s Report – Tod
Unfinished Business
New Business
Future Agenda Items