ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday January 12th, 2010

Present were Mike Atherton, Terry Lancaster, Phyllis Gaffney, Eric Mayefsky, Alan Templeton, Susan Griswold , David Wheeler, John Mattis, Lu Isaacs, Elinor Tanck, Grant Spaeth, and Steve Barasch.


Bridge Center Rehab Update – Mike Atherton reported that a complete report from the insurance company had been received and reviewed and that we were trying to arrange for a meeting.  The major issues still to be resolved are which company is going to do the work and when the work will be completed; possibly during the San Mateo Regional.

Committee Assignments – Lu Isaacs agreed to help with Membership and Phyllis and Eric have offered to handle Trophies while the following positions still need to be filled:

1. Education Committee Volunteer to assist Alan Cummings

2. Unit Librarian

3. Monday Night Unit Game Refreshments Coordinator


Treasurer’s Report – Alan T. paid off all outstanding accounts (end of year).

The Unit’s net income for 2009 was $10,652 and the Unit maintains $60,100 in assets. The Bridge Center had net income of -$3,379 for December and $4,349 for 2009. The loss in December was due to an early payment of the January 2010 rent ($6,812).  Total assets of the Bridge Center stand at $37,598. The cumulative table count through November was running 4.4% below last year’s, primarily due to last February’s flooding. The Education Program has $1,555 in the bank and approximately $6,121 is held in the ACBL Education fund.

Decembers’ Minutes were approved.

Elinor gave a report on the Kibitzer – the 350 copy February issue will have 6 pages and will be available on Friday January 22nd.


Unit Games Report – the Unit game on December 20th had excellent turnout and was a huge success largely due to the efforts of Phyllis and Eric. More than 8 nonmembers showed up to play and are now part of the club’s 876 members. There will be a Unit Swiss Game on Sunday January 24th, and we would appreciate the game being announced at all of the upcoming daily games. There is a possible upcoming club competition with the San Mateo Unit featuring 10-15 teams from each club, with the first match to be in San Mateo during March or April.


Conduct and behavior of directors and players – a number of letters have been received by Mike regarding less than cordial behavior by directors and players. Making the game enjoyable to all members should be a priority and the Board members need to set a positive tone and encourage friendly table manners. We need to ask for more cooperation from both directors and players. John will act as liaison with the other directors to promote commendable behavior.

Grant and Terry followed up with the club/director license agreements, and all directors have signed their respective agreements with the Bridger Center.

John Mattis reported loud music coming from Twisters during the Wednesday evening game. This is not the first reported occurrence and the club will continue to monitor the frequency and severity of this noise problem.

The possible purchase of a computer projector and screen for teachers and lecturers was presented by David. He will investigate models and prices and report back to the Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Lancaster
