ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 1/10/06
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummins. All board members were present except Liz Blum. Will Watson, Elinor Tanck, and, for a short time, Lori Spaeth were also present.
Last meeting’s minutes were approved with corrections.
Elinor gave the Kibitzer report and mentioned the ACBL Quip report. We have 696 members (may actually be 704) which is fifth out of nineteen units in District 21. We also had the least membership loss.
The Kibitzer will be an 8-page issue.
Roy talked about unit games. There will be one on February 26, and it will be Swiss Teams. Will will direct. Roy will have a unit game calendar for the next six months at the next board meeting.
Alan Templeton gave the treasurer’s report next. It was actually a very detailed report of the finances of the Unit (the players) and the Center (the game owners). To summarize briefly, the Unit had -$2611.23 income after expenses last month and $9956.70 income after expenses for 2005. The balance sheet for the Unit as of 12/31/05 shows a positive balance of $36415.77.
Similar numbers for the center are $1328.43 income after expenses for December and $4058.66 income after expenses for 2005. The balance sheet for the Center as of 12/31/05 shows a positive balance of $14008.46.
Alan T. has done a marvelous job resolving our tangled finances. However, there appears to be one more issue he has to address. When Robin and Pat were our clean up crew, they received free plays as payment. In addition some directors deducted their half table when paying rent, and some directors didn’t. Alan T. will look into this situation.
Old Business
We received Grant’s License agreement for the owners of the games. Roy will get the owners’ side of the agreement and report to us. Eventually, every owner will have to sign the agreement if he or she wishes to own a game which plays at the bridge center.
We may be making some headway in resolving our space problems. Mr. Twister has tentatively agreed to give (well, not actually give – to rent) us the full width of the back room going back about 12 to 14 feet. Mr. Twister is meeting with an architect to see how much he needs to retain for a staircase. If this comes to pass, we could remove the back doors and part of the back wall. There would be room for many more tables (a future expense-related board discussion).
Alan T. talked about the event calendar on the Website. Roy will update the calendar with Unit game dates and the Secretary will update it with unit activities.
We briefly discussed the July Firecracker tournament. Amazingly enough this is no longer the explosive issue it was last year. The location is set, the event schedule is set, and the flyers have been printed. They were distributed in Monterey and will be similarly available at upcoming local tournaments
We talked about Early-Bird bridge. The finances are still a little bit hazy (many things are little bit hazy), but the unit will give the directors of this game $100 as startup money. It will be interesting to see how this game evolves.
New Business
The board talked about posting its meeting minutes. We decided to do this on the website.
Because we had the newly elected board members at the last meeting, committee assignments have already been made (see attached and also see job descriptions compiled last year ).
Alan T. talked about the directors complaining about how slow our computer is. Actually it isn’t slow. It just needs more memory. Will will do the memory upgrade. Alan T. also talked about checking on going wireless. If it is feasible, we can junk Netzero in six months.
Alan C. introduced the concept of little pencils with our club name on them as an answer to the pencil problem. Some of us were not aware that there was a problem (the pencils seem very popular – people continually take them home), and others of us emphatically hated the little golf pencils no matter what was written on them. We will continue with the current pencils.
Alan C. wanted the president to have discretionary spending powers (to make what he deemed necessary purchases) without board approval between meetings. We agreed for purchases less than $100. For larger purchases he would need an email okay from the board members.
Dave B. reported on the garbage situation. We talked about having extra cans, but decided that if a garbage can is full after a game, and there is a game before the cleaning crew will empty it, the director should empty it him or herself or have someone do it for him or her.
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler