ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday February 1st, 2011
Present were Board members Susan Griswold, Mike Atherton, Bev Nuding Valerie Baldwin, Steve Barasch, Keith Burnett, Lu Isaacs, John Mattis, David Crosley and Alan Wolman. Alan Templeton and Lori Spaeth also attended.
Sue had the board ratify the appointment of Sue Barkley to replace Terry Lancaster as our new secretary.
Update on the new Bridge Center. Mike reported that the committee met with representatives of Jack Dymond on January 21st and reached agreement on the terms of the lease. On January 24th, Mike sent an E-mail to Dymond to determine if everything was satisfactory. Receiving no answer by January 29th, Mike E-mailed Dymond again and so far has had no response even to his phone call of February 1st. Alan Templeton said that we have had this slow response from Dymond before, but that this is sort of unusual. Alan reported that we have hired an architect, Steve Krong to do the necessary drawings for the city of Mountain View. Bob Lawrence and Mike met with met with the city building department on February 1st and found that we would not have to do any seismic retrofit of the building. Alan reported that we are getting estimates from several sources for the construction costs for the necessary improvements. Alan said that we still need to get the sewer line location drawing from Dymond and that there are no showstoppers.
January Minutes were approved.
Kibitzer and Unit Games Report. Elinor Tanck said that the Kibitzer will not be ready until February 22nd. Lori said that the Unit 503 directory is off to the printer this week. Sue expressed concern that with the addition of the new Tuesday night game would the Just for Fun game continue. There was discussion of the new Saturday morning classes based ton the book “25 Conventions You Should know”, which will start Saturday, March 12th. Elinor said that we will have the membership meeting before the unit game on March 13th. We had a discussion of the unit game report by Keith. There was quite a bit of discussion regarding Keith’s job and how to do it. There was no information give to Keith by the former unit game chairperson.
Keith said that the players with lower Masterpoint holdings need some help regarding Swiss team events. There was lots of discussion on the development of a Flyer for the unit games. Lori and Keith will get together to put together a flyer. We decided that every other month will be a Swiss unit game event since they are so popular. We should have a sign-up sheet for all unit games so the director and or unit game coordinator can determine how much food to bring.
Treasurers Report. There was no hand out for the treasurers. We had an income for January of $111,189 with the expenses of moving to the new building being $4,858. We are showing a combined total of $67,783 for the Bridge Center and the Unit 503. Alan Wolman asked about a unit balance sheet or budget so we can see how we are doing vs. the projections.
Bridge Center Manager John Mattis reported that the new dealing machine is on order $4461 and will ship from England on February 2nd. It will be two week by the time it clears customs and arrives in California. John will have it shipped to Lori, since he will be on vacation. John will E-mail the latest layout of the new Bridge Center to the board along with the draft of the Rental Policy.
Fire Cracker Steve said he is blocking out the dates for 2012 and 2013 with District 21.
Sue Griswold presented a draft letter for discussion on raising additional funds to help defray the costs of moving to the new building. John said that at the present time the game owners are not in favor of a table fee increase. Allen Wolman asked for a projection of the anticipated cost for the relocation and went through a brief cash flow analysis of the funds we will generate in the coming year. Sue suggested that we need to build a bit of a war chest. There were lots of ideas for raising money such as a raffle, auction or a donation box at the lectures.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 PM
John Mattis
Acting Secretary
ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday February 1, 2011