ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 2/05/07
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except for Alan Templeton. Elinor Tanck and Tom Stevens were also present.
January’s minutes were approved.
Elinor gave the Kibitzer report. Starting with the next issue, Marion Kelly will be taking over for Lori Spaeth.
Alan T. was sick so there was no treasurer’s report, but Tom Stevens gave a report on the audit that he performed. He said everything was in very good shape for 2006. He recommended that we combine the two (Center and Unit) accounts into one. He said there was no real reason not to, and it would simplify accounting and earn more bank interest. Some of the board felt that there was a good reason for the two accounts, and, because Alan T. wasn’t there, we tabled the discussion for now.
Liz gave the Unit monthly membership report. We had 5 new members, 2 reinstated members, and 10 transfers swelling our ranks by 17 members. Liz will take on the art job (overseeing the paintings on the bridge center walls) at the beginning of March.
Alan C. gave the between-meetings report. We now have a verbal agreement on our lease which will run through 2011.
Old Business
Martie reported that the unit game on February 11th will be a Swiss-team game. We will try to get two directors, one for the open game and one for the newcomer game. Martie may make schedule changes in future unit games to avoid tournament conflicts.
Claire gave a report on the storage area cabinets. We have two new ones, but, apparently, Duane is not happy with the quality and is looking for better ones.
Liz gave her last trophies update. They will be (were) displayed and awarded at the unit game.
Gabriella and Liz talked about membership promotions. Liz wanted packets for new members and for people who drop in. They will present sample packets next month. They also talked of having one newcomer party per year.
Since Alan T. was ill, we did not have a detailed table-count report. However, Alan C. reported that there were over 7600 tables over the past twelve months.
New Business
The board decided to fill the vacancy left by Mona’s resignation. Ginger Herrick generously volunteered to serve.
We talked about naming the Bridge Center but decided against it.
At next month’s unit game there will be a membership meeting. Anyone interested in bringing something before the board should contact the unit secretary.
Alan T. was chosen to be liaison to the owners and directors.
Grant Spaeth has done research into having an ACBL foundation which would receive tax-deductible contributions and distribute them to our unit. There maybe a meeting during the Nationals in St. Louis, and Alan C. will try to find someone who is going to represent us.
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler