ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Dec. 9, 2008
Present were Steve Lubeck, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton, Elinor Tank, Ginger Herrick, Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton, Nita Girand, Eric Mayefsky and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were the new board members, Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil and Grant Spaeth.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Kibitzer – Elinor informed us that 120 issues were left over last month. The next meeting, scheduled for January 13th because of the Monterey tournament, will be too late for getting information into the Kibitzer. Send any pertinent information to Elinor or Marian by the first week of January. Games will be open on December 31st except for the evening game.
Treasurer’s report – Alan Templeton explained to the new Board members the three separate accounts: Unit, Bridge Center and Education Fund. The Unit account has $53,500 in the bank. It made $32 for the month and $12,500 for the year, of which almost $11,000 came from the education program. The Bridge Center, which is a self sustaining entity, lost $53 for the month but is even for the year. We have $33,900 in assets including $10,000 deposited with Twisters and $7,500 Twisters owes us for the heating and A/C units, which is being paid back monthly. The table count by the end of October was 7000 which is a 4.2% increase over last year. The Education Fund pays rent to Bridge Center. Fund has $2200 in assets less rent owed to Bridge Center. ACBL holds $15,000 which Education program draws against. Grant Spaeth suggested that the balance sheet should show that the ACBL holds $15,000 for us. This amount is co-mingled with ACBL assets and earns interest. Our Education Program may become a model for other units.
The Board will set limit of tables at games. Directors should abide by this decision or will be in violation of rules.
Twisters will not pay for the new entrance doors. Dave will contact owner of building regarding payment for doors.
New members were formally introduced to the Board. We welcome Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil and Grant Spaeth.
Membership – Nita informed the Board that by the end of November we had 5 new members, 3 reinstated members, 2 members who transferred in and one who transferred out of the unit. Total membership is 801. Alan Cummings mentioned that the membership was high in 1998 and 1999, then dropped and increased again the last four years due to Unit activities.
Directors Licenses – Susana mentioned that Cameron Cotton’s License Agreements has not been signed and she will follow up.
Bridge Club Party – Mike informed us that we had 34 tables. Chef Chu was professional and the food was good. Some attendees were not unit members and some unit members who signed up and did not come did not cancel. The winner of the tournament was not a unit member. It was decided not to take any action against this person. However, there will be a notice in the next Kibitzer regarding members only attendance at some events. The 2009 Board is to decide on future policy. The next Unit game will be January 18th. Team games are the most popular.
Several suggestions came up for future Unit games: hold 24 Sunday games per year. Simplify set-up, food. etc. Find a creative way to compensate Sunday game owners. Objections were that we cannot run a Unit game in competition with other games and why would we want to double the number of games if so much effort is put into each Unit game. Decision will be left to the future Board.
2009 Firecrackers Tournament – Steve will be distributing flyers in Monterey. Innovations will include an “Advance Partnership”, matching people up before the tournament. Also newcomer lessons and team games strategy. Alan C. suggested that we post a list of interested people on the website, with their master points. Daily results will be posted on the internet. It was decided to allow Alan Templeton free play at the next Firecrackers because of his work providing Firecracker results on the website.
Education Fund – Alan Cummings stated that 130 people have attended at least one lecture session. The 7 sessions averaged 60 people. The new Winter quarter schedule will feature 2 sessions in January, February and March, to be announced in the Kibitzer. We are trying to attract more young people and are looking for volunteers for this enterprise.
Next Year’s Board members were voted in:
President – Michael Atherton
Vice-President – David Wheeler
Secretary – Susana Krulevitch
Treasurer – Alan Templeton
Everyone is expected to take an active role. Name of new Board members to be submitted to
Alan C. mentioned that we need more game directors and owners. There is no one with proper experience to step in when needed. A motion was approved to have a Director’s class at Unit 24 for new Directors.
The new Board thanks the outgoing members for their service. Our appreciation goes to Alan Cummings, Gabriella Bowling, Ginger Herrick, as well as to David Wheeler, who was re-elected.
Contact information for new Board members:
Phyllis Gaffney – 408-730-0654
Jeannette McNeil – 650-854-2249
Grant Spaeth – 650-947-9370
And a pleasant holiday and a Happy New Year to all!
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch