The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM by Susan Griswold, President. Present were Board members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Allen Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Sue Barkley, Henryk Szejnwald, and Keith Burnett. Also attending: Elinor Tanck (Kibitzer), Club Owner John Prior and other members.
The minutes of the July Board meeting were approved (Allen).
The Kibitzer report given by Elinor Tanck stated that there would be a six page issue in September. Elinor also announced that a binder of important historical documents concerning Unit 503 would be located in the library.
The continuation of the Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, August 14, at 4 PM. All Board members should be present.
Keith announced that the two sessions of the North American Pairs will be held on one day.
Treasurer’s report showed $116,471 in the Unit and Bridge Center accounts and $5439 in the Education Fund.
Alan Cummings presented more information that he has gathered concerning a possible 299er Sectional to be held in the Winter of 2013-2014. The Bridge Center is deemed too small for such an event and the IFES Hall is not available on the weekends. The cost of an alternate site is critical to the decision as to whether to continue with this project. Alan will report at the next Board meeting.
A meeting with the Club Owners will be scheduled to go over suggestions for the new license agreement.
A director’s course will be held November 19, 20, and 21 in San Francisco prior to the National Tournament. Cost for the course is $50. This course will be promoted by the Unit in lieu of subsidy. Suggestions were made as to help for new directors such as mentoring and internship type programs.
The Board is seeking someone knowledgeable in the Audio Visual field to assess the bids given to the Unit and the suitability of the equipment offered. Several members asked to see the bids and Sue will make the bids available to them. Approval has been secured from ACBL to accept another $5000 into our Educational fund to be used for our audio visual equipment. $10,000 will come out of the Educational Fund, the balance to come out of Unit funds.
The health of the weekend games (Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday) was discussed. A motion was made (Kevin), seconded, and approved to eliminate the rental for those three games from now until the end of October when the new license agreement is due in hopes that the owners of those games will use the funds to try to increase attendance.
An invoice had been presented by Duane Coleman for travel expenses during the remodeling construction of the Bridge Center. The Club Owners were asked for their approval since the funds would come out of the Bridge Center account. Some of the Club Owners asked for more information. Duane gave some background concerning the invoice. A motion was made (Kevin), seconded, and approved to pay the invoice if the Club Owners approve.
A draft of a proposal drawn up by John Mattis for a previous Board will be used as a springboard for discussion by a committee of the rental fees for the Bridge Center. The committee consisting of Keith, Kevin, and Allen W. will report at the next meeting. John Mattis will be asked to join the committee.
A permanent sign to be placed at the entrance to the Bridge Center was discussed. Chris Bunz will be asked to propose a sign and give the Board a cost for a finished product.
A discussion of casual meetings of Board members between regularly scheduled Board meetings was discussed. This is allowed as long as no actions requiring Board approval are taken. Electronic meetings are not allowed by our Bylaws. This may be remedied in a revision of the Bylaws.
Roy Robinson has agreed to head the Election Committee, Susana Krulevitch having resigned. The nomination committee will consist of David Crosley, Bev Nuding, and one other.
The next meeting will be at 3:45 September 4, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
(1) Administrative
1. Approval of July 2012 Minutes
2. Kibitzer Report (Elinor)
3. Membership Meeting (Sue)
4. Unit Games Update (Keith)
5. Treasurer’s Report (Bev)
(2) Items Initiated By BOD Members
1. 299er Sectional (Alan Cummings)
2. License Agreement
3. Director Course (Sue)
4. AV Update (Sue)
5. Weekend Rental Fees (Sue)
(3) New Business
1. Invoice from Duane
2. Bridge Center Rental Policy
3. Bridge Center Building Sign
4. Meetings of the Board or Board Member