Present were Steve Lubeck, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton, Eric Mayefsky,
Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton, Nita Girand and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were Lori Spaeth, Pat Chambers and Ginger Herrick.

Last month’s Minutes were approved.

Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The Unit has $53,000 in the bank. We made $3700+
on the Firecracker tournament. Bridge Center has $22,000 in the bank plus moneys
owed us. The Education Fund has spent $2000 of the $2500 in the account. July table
count was 5% higher than last year.

The Bridge Club got a new coffee maker and a new computer. We owe Will our thanks for
straightening out rough spots in the new computer.

John/Linda Mattis and/or Bonnie Beardsley’s May 15 and June 25 game records have not been reported to the ACBL. It appears to be a computer complication rather than lack of reporting. Eric will consult with John and the issue will be corrected by the first week of September.

A third bridge clock will be purchased.

A “Late Payment” amendment was unanimously approved and will be incorporated in the
Licensing Agreements.

Wording of “Death of Owner” in the Licensing Agreements will be changed to provide
benefits for heirs. Dave will write up a new clause.

Owners’ responsibilities – Lori will detail items to be taken care of and Dave will send out
letter to co-owners.

Bridge Pads – Available by owners of games at Bridge Club. To be used at disgression of owners. If we decide to buy them, we will buy 36. Enough board members were interested in
acquiring Bridge Pads so that Dave will inquire about other users’ experience with same,
software updates, warranty and maintenance agreement for hardware.

Steve reported on the Firecracker tournament – There was a $3755 profit. Cost has gone up.
Number of directors was bumped up. Might have used too many caddies. There were 1039
attendees. We had to guarantee 50 rooms, occupied 120. Patrick Reynolds, the new sales
manager at the Hyatt will notify Steve if we can have the facility again next year. If we
cannot, we will have to go to the Convention Center.

Mike – August Club game – Kevin will direct IN and Claire will direct the Open Game.

Eric – NAP game on October 5th. 2 session qualifier. 1:15 and 6:00. Sign ups with Will.

Dealing machine is generally working well. Alan C. suggested that we buy a quanitity of
playing cards to avoid problems with the dealing machine due to old cards.

Unit game changed from September 21 to September 14th. First session 11:00 to 2:30, break
for food. Second session starts at 3:30. $18.00 per player for 2 sessions. This information to
be published in the Kibitzer.

Education Fund – Alan C. attended Educational Meeting in Las Vegas. Geske Joel has arranged for
a series of nine lectures. Requested $2400 for honoraria for lecturers, rent and miscellaneous
supplies. Additional $500 for purchase of new books – offered at 40 – 50% discount. Need Unit
approval and approval of president of Unit. Required to supply quarterly statement of expenses.
The above was approved by the Board. Of the $15,000 fund, $5000 has been spent.

David – AC supposed to have been installed the previous week.

Martie Moore, Vice President and Bridge Center Manager has resigned. Question was raised if we want to replace her now, since there are 4 months left until the next election. Check with
Ginger Herrick (who had left the board meeting earlier) about possible candidates.

Congratulations to Eric Mayefsky who was among the winners of the Junior Team Trial finals to pick the United States team to play in the first World Mind Sports Games in Beijing in October.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch