The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM by Susan Griswold, President. Present were Board members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Margot Livenspargar, Alan Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Henryk Szejnwald, and Keith Burnett. Others attending: Elinor Tanck.

The minutes of the March Board Meeting were approved (Kevin, Sue B.)

The treasurer’s report showed $132,543 in the general account and $7,080 in the educational fund.

The Board went into Executive Session

The May Monday Night Swiss Unit Championship will be a STAC game.

Elinor Tanck said the May Kibitzer will be out April 18. She also brought Unit records from the inception of the Unit until the present. She asked for volunteers to take one year’s records and discard unimportant pieces and keep the important ones.

The audio-visual installation is still under consideration. Henryk S. and Alan Templeton are pursuing the matter. A possible solution is to rent a unit under consideration for a month to see if it works out.

The license agreement is not ready yet. The interim agreement (valid through April 30, 2012) may have to be extended for one month. David C. is working on the agreement. An attorney may be hired to look at the contract. It was noted that Club Owners who are not members of the Unit must secure their own liability insurance policy or become a member of the Unit.

Plans for the Grand Opening are in place. The Unit has secured the IFES Hall for overflow as over 50 tables are already signed up. A motion was made and approved to provide a token of the Unit’s appreciation to Duane Coleman, who has been the construction supervisor for the upgrade to the new playing place at no cost to the Unit!

Alan W. reported that District 21 will be awarding six $5000 grants to charities nominated by the several units in the District. Kevin O’L. will follow up on this for our Unit.

A discussion was held concerning Chris Bunz’ offer to do something artistic for the new Bridge Center. Sue will talk with her again.

There is a need for more directors. Sue will look into the cost and logistics of holding another director’s course.

The next Board meeting will be at 3:45 PM Tuesday, May 1, 2012.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary