ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes    4/02/07

The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except for Claire Coleman, Ginger Herrick, Eric Mayefsky and Gabriella Bowling. Elinor Tanck was also present.


March’s minutes were approved.

Elinor gave the Kibitzer report. The last 4 months the Kibitzers were delivered to the bridge center. Last month they got lost. Now Maria will take responsibility for the Kibitzers, and they will be put in the unit cabinet. Elinor also distributed the QUIP report for the last 12 months. We now have 776 members and have had an 8.68% growth in membership which ranks 2nd within the district.

Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The unit has a balance of $37,601.55, and the center has a balance $29,123.47. Game table counts continue to exceed those of last year.

Liz gave the unit monthly membership report. We had 4 new members, 5 who transferred in, 1 who was reinstated, and 1 misguided individual who transferred out.

Old Business

Martie reported that the April 15th unit game is under control. Will will direct the open section, Kevin will direct the 99er section, and Nancy Cadwell will manage the food (Yea!).

Alan C. reported on our attempt to make educational gifts tax-deductible through the ACBL. The ACBL rejected our plan. Alan is asking them to reconsider. The next time it will be considered is at the Nationals is San Francisco.

Our sublease extension has been signed. We’re set until August 2011.

Liz gave the status of the new member promotions. She has two packages, one for new members and one for potential new members (those trying to get started).

Alan C. gave a report on the incorporation of our unit. It is a work in progress involving Grant Spaeth and Pete Whitman who are doing this pro bono. However, we are now under the insurance umbrella of district 21 and the directors and the board are covered.

New Business

Claire is recovering from her heart attack and bypass operation. Will will direct her Sunday games, and John Prior will direct her Friday games.

Eric wants to have a sanctioned game at Stanford which would meet on Thursday nights. He would want some help (financial and otherwise) to get started. He is hoping for free space, and the students would play for free. It would be $5.00 for non-students. The board supports the concept of a new game at Stanford, and we might be willing to help. We need to have a discussion with Eric (he was absent) to get the straight poop.

Alan C. wants to make a list of needed improvements to the bridge center. Martie will generate a list.

There may be some turnover in board members next January. Ginger will try to find some board nominees.

Apparently it is time to renew the license agreements between the unit and the owners. The Secretary will look into it.

We then adjourned.

Dave Wheeler
