Minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting
ACBL Unit 503
Tuesday Oct. 19, 2021 9 a.m. PT
The Annual Meeting of the Unit 503 membership was held via zoom video at 9 a.m.
Geraldine MacDonald, President of the Unit called the meeting to order. She began the meeting by thanking all the volunteers that make our Unit a success, including the board of directors, sectional organizers, lecture coordinators and many others. Gerry thanked all the game directors for their hard work in running games and the contributions they have made to help the unit pay the rent.
Also thanks were expressed to all our benefactors that have donated generously to help the unit financially as we continue to return to in person bridge play.
Unit financials were summarized as well as the renewal of the lease on the bridge center.
Everyone was reminded about Unit elections and to look for email with further instructions.
Volunteers are still needed to work on the Fire Cracker sectional, the library and other upcoming unit events. Please let a board member know if you are interested in volunteering.
Various questions and comments were made by attendees.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 a.m.