The Capital Regional took place in Sacramento this year from May 26 through June 1, and the gamers from Unit 503 made a splendid showing. Perhaps we should start with our most important kudo “coup” and that is Will Watson with his sterling team who placed first overall in the CA Capital Swiss on Sunday. By all accounts, this is a big deal…and we’re all happy for Will who makes our bridge lives so much easier and happier week in and week out!
Now let’s reel back to Memorial Day, the first day of the tournament. Charles Riffle and partner placed first in B/C in the Monday Evening Charity Pairs. Tuesday produced two big placements—Margery Yates paired with Trina Bowman and they came second in the Daylight A/B Pairs with a huge field of 59 tables. Bravo, ladies. Then Barbara Sonsini and her band of pros won that evening’s Side Swiss event.
Wednesday found Randy Ryals and Carol Kemper first in B in the Open Pairs with a field of 43 tables. Big payday there! In the Placer Gold Pairs that day, Donna Raynor and Deborah Lundahl took first with a whopping 68.2% game. Adrienne Oliff and Mary Van Tamelen grabbed first in C in the Wednesday Evening Swiss. In one of the early Knockout events, Vinita Gupta and her pro team placed first in Bracket 1. A very good job one and all.
We had a few high spots on Thursday. Larry Lasher and his partner placed first in C in the Daylight Pairs. And Barbara Sonsini’s team took first in Bracket 1 in the Sierra KOs. Friday was a little busier. Brian (or is it Brain?) Samuels and his better half Jan teamed up with Kip Kado and Barb Shukov to place 2nd in Bracket 3 of the Kings Knockout. The Delta Compact KO saw Elan Winkler and Jim Harris with Lynn Giusti and Eileen Zefting snag first in Bracket 4. Finally, that evening in the Side Swiss Randy Ryals and Carol Kemper, with two others, took first in C.
Dandy Randy Ryals struck again with a non-Unit 503 member to take Day 5 of the River Cats series. Father and daughter Isha and Mukund Thapa ended up first in the Saturday Stratified Pairs. Elan and Jim with their regular sidekicks Eileen and Lynn prevailed once again to place first in Bracket 3 of the <2000 Compact KOs. Randy and Carol Kemper plus two others tied for first in A/B in the Saturday Evening Swiss event. Are you getting the idea the same names keep cropping up? Hmmm…
Sunday, the final day of the tournament, brought even more successes. We already mentioned Will and his big victory in the CA Capital Swiss. In that same event, Paul Cornelius and John Hoffman of our Unit with two others took third place overall. Another impressive result. Barb Shukov with her pro topped the Fast Pairs in A, and Helen Corbin with partner placed second in A as well. Last, but not least, Rajeev Gupta + four others of the professional persuasion ended up first in the ‘X’ portion of the Ax Sunday Swiss. And Kevin Rosenberg—yes, the young Rosenberg—with four others placed first in the ‘A’ part of that event.
As you can see, the players from Palo Alto’s Bridge Club continue to be winners. Our Unit fosters great competition and a place to learn and play excellent bridge. Aren’t we lucky? The next time we will see our troops out in full force will be for our very own Firecracker Sectional at the Santa Clara Convention Center June 25th through the 29th. Come out and support the team and throw your hat in the ring. Hope to see you there!