When should I arrive?
You should arrive at the table where they are selling entries about 20 minutes early for the event you want to enter. Allow a little time to get oriented the first time. Finding your way around can be confusing.
You should arrive at the table where they are selling entries about 20 minutes early for the event you want to enter. Allow a little time to get oriented the first time. Finding your way around can be confusing.
There will be a special area for the Intermediate/Newcomer games. Ask a director or someone at the hospitality desk where the I/N area is. When you pay your entry fee tell the person at the desk how many Master Points you have and they will put you in the right strata.
Playing in a tournament can be a little intimidating the first time, but there is nothing to be worried about. You will find the people friendly (we all remember OUR first time at a tournament) and you will be playing with people at your same level of experience.