Thank You

Our Holiday Party was a big success with lots of delicious food, deserts and Unit game.  Many thanks to Kathleen Quinn and Sheila Hochman and their many helpers who planned, set up, ran and cleaned up after the party.   A big thank you also to Will Watson for arranging our room to accommodate all the players and for running his, usual, superb game.

Thanks also to all the players who brought side dishes and desserts and donated to Community Services Agency and Second Harvest Food Bank.  This year our generous players donated almost $6,000.  Well done!


Congratulations to this year’s Service and Sportsmanship Award winners:

  • Leslie Altick was given our Service Award for her many contributions to our Unit.  Leslie was on our board of directors for 6 years, on the finance and budget committee for 6 years, VP for one year and secretary for 3 years.
  • Harriel Shea was given our Sportsmanship Award, chosen for ethical, friendly and gracious manners at the bridge table, for proving strict competition can be pleasurable and for exemplary conduct serving the best interest of duplicate bridge and its players.

Congratulations, also, to Paul Davis who is one of this year’s winner of the District 21 Goodwill Award.  This award is given annually to only a few players to acknowledge and recognize an individual for their outstanding contributions and personal qualities that lead to promotion of bridge.

Celebrate the holidays at our annual Holiday Party and Unit Game. This year we will have a potluck lunch followed by a Unit Charity Game with Open and Limited sections. The Unit Sportsmanship and Service awards will be presented before the game starts.

Date: Sunday, December 15, 2019

Time: Lunch at 11:30 AM, Turkey Dinner- please bring a side dish, salad or desert to share.
Game at 12:30.

Location:  Bridge Center

Charities: Community Services Agency and Second Harvest Food Bank

Cost: FREE. Please bring one or more donations as described on this page.

Reservations Required (see below)

For more information contact Kathleen Quinn or Sheila Hochman email

Reservations are required (see below). We always fill up so make your reservation early. You will not be allowed to attend if you have not signed up.

If you need to cancel please resubmit the form indicating such. For last minute cancellations please call the Bridge Center at (650) 940-1824.

Check Signup Status (Can not sign up on this page)

Check Waitlist Status (Can not sign up on this page)

The Unit will provide ham, turkey. Please bring a side dish, salad or desert to share.  In order to avoid congestion in the food area, we will not be providing coffee and tea. You may bring your own if desired.

This game, including lunch, is FREE. In lieu of a game fee, please bring gift cards for Target, Walmart, Amazon or a local store of your choice to donate to Community Services Agency (CSA)*. Suggested denomination is $25. Alternatively, cash or checks are always welcome, as are donations to Second Harvest Food Bank, a partner organization with CSA.  CSA is not accepting toys this year.

Reservations are required. You will not be allowed to attend if you have not signed up.

If you need a partner, sign up without one and we will help you find one. Cleanup help after dinner would be greatly appreciated.

If you need to cancel please resubmit the form indicating such. For last minute cancellations please call the Bridge Center at (650) 940-1824.

*CSA is our neighbor located down the street at the end of Stierlin Road. It is the safety net organization for Mountain View, Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, and works collaboratively with similar community services agencies in Sunnyvale, Cupertino and beyond. CSA provides services to individuals and families on low or fixed incomes, to those who are homeless, and to seniors. The agency’s mission is to provide the basic necessities of life to those in need, including assistance with homeless prevention, food, and health checks for the elderly.  For more information about CSA or to donate online go to