- Launch Dealmaster Pro from the computer desktop (currently named DMPRO.EXE).
- Standard Master Menu: Select Create Deals for club/tournament Play.
- Create Random Deals:
- Select 2. Use Big Deal deal generator.
Session: Name: Enter your session name.
Date: Enter your session date.
Number of deals: Enter the number of boards to generate.
Un-select Print Hand Records.
Select Output File Options: Duplimate DUP file.
Select Save Hand Records and File option as defaults.
Select OK.
- Select 2. Use Big Deal deal generator.
- Do you want a statistical Summary of the Random Deals just created?:
- Select No if you do not want to view the statistics, or,
- Select Yes if you do want to view the statistics.
If Yes:- Data for Statistical Summary Printout: Select OK.
- Statistical Summary: Select Show Preview of Printout before Printing.
Select OK. - The preview will appear in a moment: Select OK.
- Statistics:
- Review them as desired.
- Close the window (press “X” in upper right corner of the statistics window, not the larger DealMaster Pro window).
- Print?: Select No.
- Save As – Name of DUP:
- Name of Dup: Enter a name for the deal file you generated. Use something you’ll remember such as “Sherie 9-26-07”. Note that you can not use the “/” character.
We recommend that your file name contain the date of the game so that you do not select the incorrect file later by mistake.
Select Save.
- Name of Dup: Enter a name for the deal file you generated. Use something you’ll remember such as “Sherie 9-26-07”. Note that you can not use the “/” character.
- Standard Master Menu: Select Close DealMaster Pro.