Bridge is a wonderful game for so many reasons.  However, one of the many challenges of bridge is finding compatible bridge partners.

We believe that many Palo Alto Bridge members would play more bridge if they had a regular partner or knew a few compatible players they could play with on different days. 

Thus, the Unit is planning to hold several “Find-a-Partner” duplicate bridge games.

When: Wednesday January 15 at 10:00 AM Lecture “Bidding After a 1NT Opener”

                                                  at 10:30 AM Game

            Wednesday January 22at 10:00 AM Lecture [Topic To Be Determined]

                                                   at 10:30 AM Game

Games targeted to end at approximately 12:30 PM

Where: Palo Alto Bridge Center

Table Fee:   FREE

Goal:  play bridge with several people, and find one or more compatible bridge partners


  • Come without a bridge partner.
  • 30-minute bridge lecture (for newer players).
  • Play a total of 12 to 14 bridge hands
    • Play a few hands, switch partners, and play some more
  • There will be multiple sections, with people partnering with players at their own level.
  • An experienced player will be available after the game to answer questions about the hands … and about anything else!
  • There will be a list available with the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of every participant, so you can contact a player afterward, should you wish to play with them.
  • All participants will receive a free play for a face-to-face duplicate game at Palo Alto Bridge Center.

Questions: Please contact Marc Cervellino (

Sign up at: Find-A-Partner

If you are unable to play in these specific “Find-a-Partner” games, but are looking for a bridge partner, send an email to Marc Cervellino at with a brief description of your experience, and the Unit will find you a bridge partner.

We look forward to seeing you at the Bridge Center.

Brought to you by your friends at Palo Alto Bridge.

Play, Laugh, & Learn!