Santa Rosa Fall Sectional
Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Rosa CA Info
Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Rosa CA Info
Learn Bridge the modern way in this course designed by Pat Harrington! Each class includes both instruction and practice play. Start playing the very first day! Children & teens welcome.
Review and refine your bidding in this class for second year students or players who have been away from the game. Expand your understanding of the new style of bidding as we explore auctions that are not discussed in many bridge courses.
This course reviews and expands upon topics from Intermediate Bridge I and adds topics covering what to do when the opponents get into the auction (and they will more often in this course).
Klamath Meeting and Reception Facility, Stockton CA Info
Short lesson for newer players @ 9:30. Reservations are helpful and requested: send email to
Klamath Meeting and Reception Facility, Stockton CA Info
Frank Smoot - Dealing with 5NT