A more modern style of teaching bridge designed by Pat Harrington. For players with some bridge experience or new players that have completed the Play & Learn Beginning Bridge class.
For people who have never played bridge and those people who have played for years but want a refresher course or just to learn the basics.
Notes will be emailed for all classes. No make-up classes are offered for missed classes.
Our course instructor is ABTA Master Teacher Kathy Harper. Kathy and our wonderful volunteers give students individual attention which helps our students learn in a fun environment.
Please contact Kathy Harper at (650) 207-1816 email for additional information.
PLAY & LEARN Planning to Win | Dates |
Counting Winners and Entries in NT; Bidding Maximum Opening Hands; Opening Leads in Notrump |
March 3, 2016 |
Counting Losers and Drawing Trump; Maximum Responding Hands; Opening Leads In Suit Contracts; Stayman |
March 24 |
Promotion in Suits and Notrump; Bidding with Minimum Hands |
April 7 |
Using Length in Suits & Notrump; | April 21 |
The Finesse | May 5 |
Dummy Points and Trumping in Dummy; Blackwood |
May 19 |
Discarding a Quick Loser | May 26 |
Practice with Finesse; Watch out for the Opponents! |
June 9 |